Main Purpose
This project provides a framework for deploying best-practice multi-tenant EKS Clusters with Kubernetes Addons, provisioned via Hashicorp Terraform and Helm charts on AWS.
The AWS EKS Accelerator for Terraform module helps you to provision EKS Clusters, Managed node groups with On-Demand and Spot Instances, AWS Fargate profiles, and all the necessary Kubernetes add-ons for a production-ready EKS cluster. The Terraform Helm provider is used to deploy common Kubernetes Addons with publicly available Helm Charts. This project leverages the community terraform-aws-eks modules to EKS Cluster.
The intention of this framework is to help design config driven solution. This will help you to create EKS clusters for various environments and AWS accounts across multiple regions with a unique Terraform configuration and state file per EKS cluster.
- EKS Cluster and Amazon EKS Addon resources. -
- Amazon Managed node groups, Self-managed nodes, AWS EKS Fargate profiles resources -
- contains resources to deploy Kubernetes Addons using Helm and Kubernetes provider. -
- folder contains AWS resource sub modules used in this module. -
- folder contains Helm charts and Kubernetes resources for deploying Kubernetes Addons. -
- folder contains example to deploy EKS cluster with multiple node groups and Kubernetes add-ons
EKS Cluster Deployment Options
This module provisions the following EKS resources
EKS Cluster resources
- EKS Cluster with multiple networking options
- Amazon EKS Addons -
- Managed Node Groups with On-Demand - AWS Managed Node Groups with On-Demand Instances
- Managed Node Groups with Spot - AWS Managed Node Groups with Spot Instances
- AWS Fargate Profiles - AWS Fargate Profiles
- Self-managed Node Group with Windows support - Ability to create a self-managed node group for Linux or Windows workloads.
- Launch Templates - Launch templates available to Managed Node Groups and Self-managed Node Groups
- Bottlerocket OS - Managed and Self-managed Node Groups with Bottlerocket OS and Launch Templates
- Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) - AMP makes it easy to monitor containerized applications at scale
- Amazon EMR on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) -
Kubernetes Addons
Kubernetes Addons deployed using Helm Charts and Kubernetes Resources
- Metrics Server
- Cluster Autoscaler
- AWS LB Ingress Controller
- Traefik Ingress Controller
- Ngnix Ingress Controller
- FluentBit for Node Groups
- FluentBit for Fargate Containers
- Agones - Host, Run and Scale dedicated game servers on Kubernetes
- Prometheus
- Kube-state-metrics
- Alert-manager
- Prometheus-node-exporter
- Prometheus-pushgateway
- OpenTelemetry Collector
- AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector(AWS OTel Collector)
- Cert Manager
Node Group Modules
This module uses dedicated sub modules for creating AWS Managed Node Groups, Self-managed Node groups and Fargate profiles. These modules provide flexibility to add or remove managed/self-managed node groups/fargate profiles by simply adding/removing map of values to input config. See example.
The aws-auth
ConfigMap handled by this module allow your nodes to join your cluster, and you also use this ConfigMap to add RBAC access to IAM users and roles.
Each Node Group can have dedicated IAM role, Launch template and Security Group to improve the security.
Please refer this full example
Managed Node Groups Example
enable_managed_nodegroups = true
managed_node_groups = {
mg_m4 = {
# 1> Node Group configuration
node_group_name = "managed-ondemand"
create_launch_template = true # false will use the default launch template
launch_template_os = "amazonlinux2eks" # amazonlinux2eks or windows or bottlerocket
public_ip = false # Use this to enable public IP for EC2 instances; only for public subnets used in launch templates ;
pre_userdata = <<-EOT
yum install -y amazon-ssm-agent
systemctl enable amazon-ssm-agent && systemctl start amazon-ssm-agent"
# 2> Node Group scaling configuration
desired_size = 3
max_size = 3
min_size = 3
max_unavailable = 1 # or percentage = 20
# 3> Node Group compute configuration
ami_type = "AL2_x86_64" # AL2_x86_64, AL2_x86_64_GPU, AL2_ARM_64, CUSTOM
capacity_type = "ON_DEMAND" # ON_DEMAND or SPOT
instance_types = ["m4.large"] # List of instances used only for SPOT type
disk_size = 50
# 4> Node Group network configuration
subnet_ids = [] # Mandatory - # Define private/public subnets list with comma separated ["subnet1","subnet2","subnet3"]
k8s_taints = []
k8s_labels = {
Environment = "preprod"
Zone = "dev"
WorkerType = "ON_DEMAND"
additional_tags = {
ExtraTag = "m4-on-demand"
Name = "m4-on-demand"
subnet_type = "private"
create_worker_security_group = true
Self-managed Node Groups Example
enable_self_managed_nodegroups = true
self_managed_node_groups = {
self_mg_4 = {
node_group_name = "self-managed-ondemand"
create_launch_template = true
launch_template_os = "amazonlinux2eks" # amazonlinux2eks or bottlerocket or windows
custom_ami_id = "ami-0dfaa019a300f219c" # Bring your own custom AMI generated by Packer/ImageBuilder/Puppet etc.
public_ip = false # Enable only for public subnets
pre_userdata = <<-EOT
yum install -y amazon-ssm-agent \
systemctl enable amazon-ssm-agent && systemctl start amazon-ssm-agent \
disk_size = 20
instance_type = "m5.large"
desired_size = 2
max_size = 10
min_size = 2
capacity_type = "" # Optional Use this only for SPOT capacity as capacity_type = "spot"
k8s_labels = {
Environment = "preprod"
Zone = "test"
additional_tags = {
ExtraTag = "m5x-on-demand"
Name = "m5x-on-demand"
subnet_type = "private"
subnet_ids = module.aws_vpc.private_subnets
create_worker_security_group = false
Fargate Profile Example
enable_fargate = true
fargate_profiles = {
default = {
fargate_profile_name = "default"
fargate_profile_namespaces = [{
namespace = "default"
k8s_labels = {
Environment = "preprod"
Zone = "dev"
env = "fargate"
subnet_ids = [] # Mandatory - # Define private subnets list with comma separated ["subnet1","subnet2","subnet3"]
additional_tags = {
ExtraTag = "Fargate"
Kubernetes Addon Example
The following example deploys the Addons with default configuration.
metrics_server_enable = true # Deploys Metrics Server Addon
cluster_autoscaler_enable = true # Deploys Cluster Autoscaler Addon
prometheus_enable = true # Deploys Prometheus Addon
This module also allows you to override values.yaml
from consumer module.
# Optional Map value
metrics_server_helm_chart = {
name = "metrics-server"
repository = ""
chart = "metrics-server"
version = "3.5.0"
namespace = "kube-system"
timeout = "1200"
# (Optional) Example to pass metrics-server-values.yaml from your local repo
values = [templatefile("${path.module}/k8s_addons/metrics-server-values.yaml", {
operating_system = "linux"
Bottlerocket OS
Bottlerocket is an open source operating system specifically designed for running containers. Bottlerocket build system is based on Rust. It's a container host OS and doesn't have additional software's or package managers other than what is needed for running containers hence its very light weight and secure. Container optimized operating systems are ideal when you need to run applications in Kubernetes with minimal setup and do not want to worry about security or updates, or want OS support from cloud provider. Container operating systems does updates transactionally.
Bottlerocket has two containers runtimes running. Control container on by default used for AWS Systems manager and remote API access. Admin container off by default for deep debugging and exploration.
Bottlerocket Launch templates userdata uses the TOML format with Key-value pairs.
Remote API access API via SSM agent. You can launch trouble shooting container via user data [] enabled = true
- Secure - Opinionated, specialized and highly secured
- Flexible - Multi cloud and multi orchestrator
- Transactional - Image based upgraded and rollbacks
- Isolated - Separate container Runtimes
Bottlerocket can be updated automatically via Kubernetes Operator
kubectl apply -f Bottlerocket_k8s.csv.yaml
kubectl get ClusterServiceVersion Bottlerocket_k8s | jq.'status'
How to Deploy
Ensure that you have installed the following tools in your Mac or Windows Laptop before start working with this module and run Terraform Plan and Apply
Deployment Steps
The following steps walks you through the deployment of example DEV cluster configuration. This config deploys a private EKS cluster with public and private subnets. One managed node group and fargate profile for default namespace placed in private subnets. ALB placed in Public subnets created by AWS LB Ingress controller. It also deploys few kubernetes apps i.e., AWS LB Ingress Controller, Metrics Server and Cluster Autoscaler.
Step1: Clone the repo
git clone file
Step2: (Optional) Update exampleUpdate local variables deploy/eks-cluster-with-new-vpc/
or keep it as default
You can choose to use an existing VPC ID and Subnet IDs or create a new VPC and subnets by providing CIDR ranges.
Step3: Set AWS profile or Assume IAM role
This role will become the Kubernetes Admin by default. Please see this document for assuming a role
Step4: Run Terraform INIT
To initialize a working directory with configuration files
cd deploy/eks-cluster-with-new-vpc/
terraform init
Step5: Run Terraform PLAN
To verify the resources created by this execution
terraform plan
Step6: Finally, Terraform APPLY
to create resources
terraform apply
Configure kubectl and test cluster
EKS Cluster details can be extracted from terraform output or from AWS Console to get the name of cluster.
This following command used to update the kubeconfig
in your local machine where you run kubectl commands to interact with your EKS Cluster.
Step7: Run update-kubeconfig command.
file gets updated with cluster details and certificate from the below command
$ aws eks --region <region> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name>
Step8: List all the worker nodes by running the command below
$ kubectl get nodes
Step9: List all the pods running in kube-system namespace
$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system
Advanced Deployment Folder Structure
This example shows how to structure folders in your repo when you want to deploy multiple EKS Clusters across multiple regions and accounts.
The top-level deploy\advanced
folder provides an example of how you can structure your folders and files to define multiple EKS Cluster environments and consume this accelerator module.
This approach is suitable for large projects, with clearly defined sub directory and file structure.
This can be modified the way that suits your requirement.
You can define a unique configuration for each EKS Cluster and making this module as central source of truth.
Each folder under live/<region>/application
represents an EKS cluster environment(e.g., dev, test, load etc.).
This folder contains backend.conf
and <env>.tfvars
, used to create a unique Terraform state for each cluster environment.
Terraform backend configuration can be updated in backend.conf
and cluster common configuration variables in <env>.tfvars
e.g. folder/file structure for defining multiple clusters
├── deploy\advanced
│ └── live
│ └── preprod
│ └── eu-west-1
│ └── application
│ └── dev
│ └── backend.conf
│ └── dev.tfvars
│ └──
│ └──
│ └──
│ └── test
│ └── backend.conf
│ └── test.tfvars
│ └── prod
│ └── eu-west-1
│ └── application
│ └── prod
│ └── backend.conf
│ └── prod.tfvars
│ └──
│ └──
│ └──
Important Note
If you are using an existing VPC then you need to ensure that the following tags added to the VPC and subnet resources
Add Tags to VPC
Key = "${local.cluster_name}"
Value = "Shared"
Add Tags to Public Subnets tagging requirement
public_subnet_tags = {
"${local.cluster_name}" = "shared"
"" = "1"
Add Tags to Private Subnets tagging requirement
private_subnet_tags = {
"${local.cluster_name}" = "shared"
"" = "1"
For fully Private EKS clusters requires the following VPC endpoints to be created to communicate with AWS services.
com.amazonaws.region.aps-workspaces - For AWS Managed Prometheus Workspace
com.amazonaws.region.ssm - Secrets Management
com.amazonaws.region.logs – For CloudWatch Logs
com.amazonaws.region.sts – If using AWS Fargate or IAM roles for service accounts
com.amazonaws.region.elasticloadbalancing – If using Application Load Balancers
com.amazonaws.region.autoscaling – If using Cluster Autoscaler
com.amazonaws.region.s3 – Creates S3 gateway
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.