- added new HTTP headers when creating a new resource:
'Resource-Admin' as alternative to ServiceGroup-Owner
'Resource-Group': the name of the group: to define to which group in domain the resource belongs to. The group must be in one of the admin's groups. If not given the first group from the list is used.
'Resource-Visibility': The visibility of the resource: PUBLIC, PRIVATE. The default value is PUBLIC. Resource visibility can be set only at creation time. To change value of the existing resource it must be done via the UI.

- added new properties: The SMP instance name
smp.credentials.reset_request.url: The URL to reset the user password
smp.credentials.reset_request.url.validMinutes: The time in minutes the reset request is valid
smp.sso.cas.registration.enabled: Enable/Disable automatic user registration from CAS at first login.
smp.sso.cas.registration.confirmation.mandatory: Enable/Disable user confirmation after registration from CAS at first login.
smp.sso.cas.registration.mapping: The CAS property mapping to user data. Ex: 'EMAIL:${email}|FULL_NAME:${firstName} ${lastName}' The DNS zone/top domain of the SML server.
bdmsl.participants.manage.max-count: The maximum number of participants that can be managed by the SMP.
- deprecated properties:
identifiersBehaviour.ParticipantIdentifierScheme.ebCoreId.concatenate: based on eDelivery SMP 2.0 no need to concatenate ebCore party id in XML responses
authentication.blueCoat.enabled - deprecated and replaced with smp.automation.authentication.external.tls.clientCert.enabled
Following properties are deprecated and replaced with translation properties:

eDelivery SMP 5.0
- environment properties have now 'smp.' prefix
- application property: 'configuration.dir' was replaced by the environment '' property
- added new properties:
smp.truststore.type: Truststore type as JKS/PKCS12
smp.keystore.type: Keystore type as JKS/PKCS12
smp.certificate.validation.allowed.certificate.type: Allowed user certificate JCE types. Empty value means no restrictions, for other values see the java KeyFactory Algorithms for example: RSA|EC|Ed25519|Ed448.
identifiersBehaviour.splitPattern: Regular expression with groups scheme and identifier for splitting the URN identifiers to scheme and identifier part.
identifiersBehaviour.splitPattern ^(?i)\\s*?(?<scheme>urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:(iso6523:[0-9]{4}|unregistered(:[^:]+)?))::?(?<identifier>.+)?\\s*$ Regular expression with groups <scheme> and <identifier> for splitting the identifiers to scheme and identifier part! false REGEXP
identifiersBehaviour.ParticipantIdentifierScheme.urn.concatenate Regular expression to detect URN party identifiers. If the party identifier schema matches the regexp, then the party identifier is concatenated with a single colon in XML responses. Else it is handled as OASIS SMP party identifier. Example: ^(?i)(urn:)|(mailto:).*$ false REGEXP
- the default keystore type is now PKCS12. Set the keystore type to JKS if properties smp.truststore.type and smp.keystore.type are missing!
smp.passwordPolicy.validationRegex: Regular expression do define password minimum complexity rules!
smp.passwordPolicy.validationMessage: The error message shown to the user in case the password does not follow the regex put in the domibus.passwordPolicy.pattern property"
smp.ui.authentication.types: Set list of '|' separated UI authentication types. Currently supported PASSWORD, SSO: ex. PASSWORD|SSO
smp.automation.authentication.types: Set list of '|' separated automation authentication types (Web-Service integration). Currently supported PASSWORD, CERT: ex. PASSWORD|CERT
smp.http.forwarded.headers.enabled to control usage of Forwarded parameters RP/LoadBalancer. Cookie is only sent to the server when a request is made with the https: scheme (except on localhost), and therefore is more resistant to man-in-the-middle attacks.
smp.ui.session.max-age: Number of seconds until the cookie expires. A zero or negative number will expire the cookie immediately. Empty value will not set parameter
smp.ui.session.strict: Controls whether a cookie is sent with cross-origin requests, providing some protection against cross-site request forgery attacks. Possible values are: Strict, None, Lax. (Cookies with SameSite=None require a secure context/HTTPS)!!)
smp.ui.session.path: A path that must exist in the requested URL, or the browser won't send the Cookie header. Null/Empty value sets the authentication requests context by default. The forward slash (/) character is interpreted as a directory separator, and subdirectories will be matched as well: for Path=/docs, /docs, /docs/Web/, and /docs/Web/HTTP will all match.
smp.ui.session.idle_timeout.admin: Specifies the time, in seconds, between client requests before the SMP will invalidate session for ADMIN users (System)!
smp.ui.session.idle_timeout.user: Specifies the time, in seconds, between client requests before the SMP will invalidate session for users (Service group, SMP Admin)
smp.sso.cas.ui.label: The SSO service provider label.
smp.sso.cas.url: The SSO CAS URL endpoint
smp.sso.cas.urlpath.login: The CAS URL path for login. Complete URL is composed from parameters: ${smp.sso.cas.url}/${smp.sso.cas.urlpath.login}.
smp.sso.cas.callback.url: The URL is the callback URL belonging to the local SMP Security System. If using RP make sure it target SMP path '/ui/rest/security/cas'
smp.sso.cas.token.validation.urlpath: The CAS URL path for login. Complete URL is composed from parameters: ${smp.sso.cas.url}/${smp.sso.cas.urlpath.token.validation}.
smp.sso.cas.token.validation.params: The CAS token validation key:value properties separated with '|'.Ex: 'acceptStrengths:BASIC,CLIENT_CERT|assuranceLevel:TOP'
smp.sso.cas.token.validation.groups: The '|' separated CAS groups user must belong to.
smp.http.httpStrictTransportSecurity.maxAge: How long(in seconds) HSTS should last in the browser's cache(default one year) Http header content security policy
contextPath.output - added now as database configuration option
smp.cluster.enabled: if smp is deployed on cluster. If property is not enabled then all properties are refreshed on SetProperty. Otherwise properties are refreshed by cron task for all nodes at the same time
authentication.blueCoat.enabled - deprecated and replaced with smp.automation.authentication.external.tls.clientCert.enabled
smp.automation.authentication.external.tls.SSLClientCert.enabled Authentication with external module as: reverse proxy. Authenticated certificate is send to application using 'SSLClientCert' HTTP header. Do not enable this feature without properly configured reverse-proxy!

identifiersBehaviour.ParticipantIdentifierScheme.ebCoreId.concatenate: Concatenate ebCore party id in XML responses <ParticipantIdentifier >urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:test-ebcore-id</ParticipantIdentifier>
smp.passwordPolicy.expired.forceChange: Force change password at UI login if expired
smp.passwordPolicy.warning.beforeExpiration: How many days before expiration should the UI warn users at login
- new application configuration property
libraries.folder: add external SPI beans libraries folder loaded at the startup of the SMP!