<div id="domain-panel" class="mat-elevation-z2" >
<div class="panel" *ngIf="_domain!=null && !_domain.domainId"><p style="font-weight: bold">Enter data and click 'Save' to create new domain</div>
<smp-warning-panel *ngIf=" !!_domain?.domainId && !domainResourceTypes?.length"
label="To complete domain configuration please select at least one resource type on tab 'Resource Types'"></smp-warning-panel>
<mat-form-field style="width:100%">
<mat-label>Domain Code</mat-label>
matTooltip="The SMP's domain code. The code must be unique and is used in HTTP header 'Domain' or URL path sequence when retrieving/creating the resource using the webservice API"
formControlName="domainCode" maxlength="63"
(keydown)="onFieldKeyPressed('domainCode', 'domainCodeTimeout')"
<mat-hint align="end">For WS API integration: the Domain property</mat-hint>
*ngIf="(!editMode && domainForm.controls['domainCode'].touched || editMode) && domainForm.controls['domainCode'].hasError('pattern')"
style="color:red; font-size: 70%">
Domain code must contain only chars and numbers and must be less than 63 chars long.
style="color:darkorange; font-size: 70%">
Domain code must contain only chars and numbers and must be less than 63 chars long.
*ngIf="(!editMode && domainForm.controls['domainCode'].touched || editMode) && domainForm.controls['domainCode'].hasError('notInList')"
style="color:red; font-size: 70%">
The Domain code already exists!
<mat-form-field style="width:100%">
<mat-label>Response signature Certificate (Signature CertAlias)</mat-label>
<mat-select formControlName="signatureKeyAlias"
matTooltip="Certificate is used for signing REST responses for the domain."
<mat-option *ngFor="let cert of keystoreCertificates" [value]="cert.alias">
{{cert.alias}} ({{cert.certificateId}})
<mat-hint align="end">Empty value will cause that Resource responses will not be signed by SMP!
<mat-form-field style="width:100%">
<mat-label>Visibility of the domain</mat-label>
matTooltip="Visibility of the domain."
<mat-option *ngFor="let visibility of domainVisibilityOptions"
<mat-hint align="end">Domain visibility. In case of Internal user must be authenticated
to get read the domain resources
<mat-form-field *ngIf="domainResourceTypes?.length" style="width:100%">
<mat-label>Default resource type for the domain</mat-label>
<mat-select formControlName="defaultResourceTypeIdentifier"
matTooltip="Default resource type for the domain."
<mat-option [value]="''" disabled></mat-option>
<mat-option *ngFor="let resDef of domainResourceTypes"
{{}} ({{resDef.identifier}})
<mat-hint align="end">Domain visibility. In case of Internal user must be authenticated
to get read the domain resources
<mat-toolbar class ="mat-elevation-z2">
<mat-toolbar-row class="smp-toolbar-row">
<button id="cancelButton" mat-raised-button (click)="onResetButtonClicked()" color="primary"
<button id="saveButton" mat-raised-button (click)="onSaveButtonClicked()" color="primary"