Joze RIHTARSIC authoredJoze RIHTARSIC authored
Test and Domo SMP docker image
The Image is intended for internal testing of the DomiSMP snapshots builds. The images should not be used in production environment. The image is shipped with jdk 8 and 11. By default the jdk 11 is used, but it can be changed by setting the environment variable JDK_VERSION=8 to start the container with JAVA_HOME pointing to jdk 8.
NOTE : that the jdk 11 JDPA_ADDRESS is by default "*:5005". To make it work with jdk 8, the JDPA_ADDRESS should be changed to "5005".
Image build
docker build -t smp .
Run container based on smp image
docker run --name smp -p 8080:8080 smp
docker run --name smp -it --rm -p [http-port]:8080 edelivery-docker.devops.tech.ec.europa.eu/edeliverytest/smp-sml-tomcat-mysql:${SMP_VERSION}
docker run --name smp --rm -it -p 8180:8080 -p 3316:3306 -e JDK_VERSION=8 -e JDPA_ADDRESS=5005 edelivery-docker.devops.tech.ec.europa.eu/edeliverytest/smp-sml-tomcat-mysql:5.0-SNAPSHOT
SMP (param: -p 8180:8080 )
url: http://localhost:8180/smp
Default (demo) users are:
- System admin: system/123456
- User: user/123456
NOTE: The users are configured just for the demonstration purposes. Please change users and its passwords at first login!
MYSQL (param: -p 3306:3306)
Database client connection (for testing and debugging ) url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/smp Username: smp Password: smp
Volume (-v /opt/docker-data/smp:/data)
Mysql database files and tomcat configuration (and logs) can be externalized for experimenting with different SMP settings.
docker run --name smp --rm -it -p 8180:8080 -v /opt/docker-data/smp:/data edelivery-docker.devops.tech.ec.europa.eu/edeliverytest/smp-sml-tomcat-mysql:5.0-SNAPSHOT