Joze RIHTARSIC authoredJoze RIHTARSIC authored
Experiamental SMP docker image
Purpose of image is to help SMP and AP sofware developers to create development environment for localy testing Dynamic Discovery using SML and SMP. Image uses latest version of eDelivery SMP setup on tomcat, mysql ubuntu
Image build
docker build -t smp .
Run container based on smp image
docker run --name smp -it --rm -p [http-port]:8080 edelivery-docker.devops.tech.ec.europa.eu/edeliverytest/smp-sml-tomcat-mysql
docker run --name smp --rm -it -p 8080:8080 edelivery-docker.devops.tech.ec.europa.eu/edeliverytest/smp-sml-tomcat-mysql:4.2-SNAPSHOT
SMP (param: -p 8080:8080 )
url: http://localhost:8080/smp
MYSQL (param: -p 3306:3306)
Database client connection (for testing and debugging ) url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/smp Username: smp Password: smp
Volume (-v /opt/docker-data/smp:/data)
Mysql database files and tomcat configuration (and logs) can be externalized for experimenting with different SMP settings.
docker run --name smp --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -v /opt/docker-data/smp:/data edelivery-docker.devops.tech.ec.europa.eu/edeliverytest/smp-sml-tomcat-mysql:4.2-SNAPSHOT
Start docker with pre-init data
copy init sql script to folder (create folder)
curl -k https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/code/projects/EDELIVERY/repos/smp/raw/smp-soapui-tests/groovy/mysql-4.1_integration_test_data.sql?at=refs%2Fheads%2Fdevelopment --output ./db-scripts/mysql5innodb-data.sql
Then start the docker as:
docker run --name smp --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -v - db-scripts:/tmp/custom-data/ edelivery-docker.devops.tech.ec.europa.eu/edeliverytest/smp-sml-tomcat-mysql:4.2-SNAPSHOT