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Spring-boot SMP application

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Springboot artefact is intended for test and demo purposes only.

The Springboot artefact use the embedded Tomcat server and may not contain the latest security updates! Please see the maven project for the Tomcat server version!


The purpose of the submodule is to build a spring-boot application for starting the DomiSMP application on the embedded Tomcat webserver. The goal of the spring-boot startup of DomiSMP application is to make it easier to start the DomiSMP for the demo and testing.


In order to build DomiSMP spring-boot build the bdmls project from the root of the project:

mvn clean install 

The build first build the smp.war (The war is here: smp-webapp/target/smp.war) and then embeds in to the spring-boot executable jar: smp-springboot-[VERSION]-exec.jar (The example file path: smp-springboot/target/smp-springboot-5.0-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar)

Start the application

The DomiSMP can be started with 3 steps. To startup the DomiSMP, first, the database must be initialized. The second step is to prepare the with database configuration for the DomiSMP spring-boot application. And the final step is to run the application.

Prepare the DomiSMP database

For details on how to prepare the database, read the Admin Guide available at: DomiSMP Release Page. Please find bellow the Linux OS command line example script for creating the DomiSMP database on MysSQL.

To run the script check the following steps

  • check if you have the correct command line emulator (example uses the /bin/sh)
  • locally installed MySQL database.
  • clone (and checkout the right branch: eg. for development checkout development branch) of the DomiSMP. The repo contains the database DDL scripts.

Before executing the example script set the following variables:

  • PROJECT_HOME: The DomiSMP code / project home: exp.: /code/smp
  • DATABASE: the smp database schema
  • DB_ADMIN: the mysql database root username
  • DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD: the mysql database root password
  • DB_USERNAME: the DomiSMP mysql database username
  • DB_PASSWORD: the DomiSMP mysql database username

Explanation if the script: The script connect to mysql database using CLI tool 'mysql' and deletes database/schema and user defined in variable [DATABASE] and [DB_USERNAME]. The the DomiSMP schema is generated from script [PROJECT_HOME]/smp-webapp/src/main/smp-setup/database-scripts/mysql5innodb.ddl and insert the init data from [PROJECT_HOME]/smp-soapui-tests/src/test/resources/init-data/init-test-mysql-soapui.sql

Linux OS:



# recreate database 
echo "clean the database $DATABASE if exists "
mysql -h localhost -u $DB_ADMIN --password=$DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD -e "drop schema if exists $DATABASE;DROP USER IF EXISTS $DB_USERNAME;  create schema $DATABASE;alter database $DATABASE charset=utf8; create user $DB_USERNAME identified by '$DB_PASSWORD';grant all on $DATABASE.* to $DB_USERNAME;"

# create new database
echo "create database"
mysql -h localhost -u $DB_ADMIN --password=$DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD $DATABASE < "$PROJECT_HOME/smp-webapp/src/main/smp-setup/database-scripts/mysql5innodb.ddl"
echo "init database for soapui tests"
mysql -h localhost -u $DB_ADMIN --password=$DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD $DATABASE < "$PROJECT_HOME/smp-soapui-tests/groovy/mysql-4.1_integration_test_data.sql"

Windows OS:

@echo off

set PROJECT_HOME=C:\cef\code\smp
set DATABASE=smpdb
set DB_ADMIN=root

REM recreate database
echo "clean the database %DATABASE% if exists "
mysql -h localhost -u %DB_ADMIN% --password=%DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD% -e "drop schema if exists %DATABASE%;DROP USER IF EXISTS %DB_USERNAME%;create schema %DATABASE%;alter database %DATABASE% charset=utf8;create user %DB_USERNAME% identified by '%DB_PASSWORD%';grant all on %DATABASE%.* to %DB_USERNAME%;"

REM create new database
echo "create database"
mysql -h localhost -u %DB_ADMIN% --password=%DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD% %DATABASE% < "%PROJECT_HOME%\smp-webapp\src\main\smp-setup\database-scripts\mysql5innodb.ddl"
echo "init database for soapui tests"
mysql -h localhost -u %DB_ADMIN% --password=%DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD% %DATABASE% < "%PROJECT_HOME%\smp-soapui-tests\groovy\mysql-4.1_integration_test_data.sql"

Prepare the DomiSMP database configuration.

To set the DomiSMP database configuration, the following properties must be set.

  • smp.jdbc.hibernate.dialect: the database hibernate dialect name
  • jdbc.driver: the jdbc driver (The MySQL driver is embedded by default. To add other drivers should be added to the pom.xml and rebuild the spring-boot application. )
  • smp.jdbc.url: the Url of the database
  • smp.jdbc.user: the database username
  • smp.jdbc.password: the database password.

To set/change other spring-boot parameters (as example the server port: server.port) please read the spring-boot documentation. The configuration properties must be set in the file "" and placed in the working directory of the DomiSMP spring-boot application. For alternatives on how to set spring-boot properties please read the spring-boot documentation; for the DomiSMP startup properties, please read the DomiSMP Admin guide.

NOTE: Only the "java property type" of the springboot properties format is supported (json or yaml types are not supported!)

Example of the springboot configuration: NOTE: Please update the properties to meet you local mysql installation configuration

# the tomcat server port

# Database configuration

# *********************************
#  Custom defined datasource
# *********************************
# mysql database example

Start the application.

with maven the application can be started as

mvn spring-boot:run

with java

 java -jar target/smp-springboot-5.0-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar

with java adding libraries in the subfolder ./libs/ for example to add JDBC drivers

java -cp ./smp-springboot-exec-5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:./libs/* org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher     

if the spring-boot SMP application was started with the server.port=8084 the application] is accessible on url: http://localhost:8084/edelivery-sml/