Code development platform for open source projects from the European Union institutions

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Cosmin Popovici authored

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This is the code development platform for open source projects shared by the institutions of the European Union. More precise, it is the code development platform for open source software projects for which European Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies hold the intellectual property rights. was created following Commission Decision of 8 December 2021 on the open source licensing and reuse of Commission software 2021/C 495 I/01, which you can read here. It is one of the outcomes of the Commission Open Source Software Strategy C (2020) 7149 final. You can find the strategy and more information about open source at the Commission here.

Public access

Start exploring projects here. All of these projects are open to all visitors. Software developers who wish to interact and collaborate with the development teams of the projects: please, get in touch with these projects, this will help with your registration on the platform.

Project creation

On, projects can only be created by software development project teams working for European Union Institutions. Dear colleagues, get in touch with us if you wish to set up a new group/project (see below).

Public project creation

The platform is intended for open source projects shared by the institutions of the European Union. The development project teams can only create Public projects.

Private or internal project creation exceptions

We understand that in some cases, project teams might require the creation of private or internal projects. If this is the case, one of the platform's administrators will create a project for you: please submit an issue ticket in the Gitlab project About Please provide us with the right information, described here.

Registration and sign-in

Software developers and project owners, you can sign-in to the platform through the EU Login Portal.

Note: Visitors from outside of the European Union institutions can also register through the same EU Login portal. For more information see About EU Login. After registering, your account will need to be validated by our staff before you gain access to the platform. We might contact you via e-mail if we require more information before validating your account (please check your e-mail's spam folder). You can find more information in our FAQ here.

Join the project 'About'

Registered users are invited to join this project (About as members (more information here). This way, you have access to our wiki and know-how articles, and you can also submit tickets (Issues section) with suggestions on how to improve and questions (wiki and issues are visible only to members).

Intellectual property

Developers who wish to create a project are advised to read the guidelines.

For European Commission projects: your project must be declared in Eureca, must go through the IP clearance and a security verification (see guidelines). For questions about Eureca, contact Central IP Services.

Guideliness for Projects going Open Source


Developers who wish to create a project, you are advised to read the guidelines.

At a minimum, Commission projects must deal with:

  1. Secrets management (the code cannot include digital authentication credentials, including passwords, keys, APIs, tokens);

  2. Sensitive data management (the code cannot include information on internal infrastructure, domains, internal IP addresses).

For Commission projects, there are two services that can assist in code security matters. For projects developed by the JRC, please contact JRC LISO. All others, please get in touch with to DIGIT S.

In addition to what is explained in the guidelines, DIGIT S offers static and dynamic code analysis. For dynamic code analysis, project owners need to make available a test environment. Please get in touch with DIGIT S. And read their wiki (link available on the EC internal FPIS ThinkOpen wiki).

Security and Vulnerability Scanning Options for Project Teams

Project's hosted on can benefit from Gitlab's Ultimate features, including a variety of security scanning capabilities. They help the project teams in making sure their software is secure and free from vulnerabilities.

The projects teams have at their disposal at least 2 different ways to scan for vulnerabilities when it comes to using vulnerability scanning engines within

  1. can use the GitLab's Ultimate built-in security scans and reports. You can read more about it here.
  2. integrate your GitLab project with the European Commission's in-house vulnerability scanning tools and manage vulnerabilities and reports directly from GitLab. You can read here on how to integrate your GitLab repository.

Project teams are advised to manage roles and permissions of their project's members in a way not to disclose vulnerabilities and vulnerability reports to third parties until the vulnerabilities are mitigated. You can read more about Gitlab's Roles and Permissions here.

Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

Any users or visitors of who identify vulnerabilities related to the platform or any of the open source projects hosted here, are invited to report them as described in the European Commission's Vulnerability Disclosure Policy.

The project teams hosting their projects on are also encouraged to inform their users about the Vulnerability Disclosure Policy and make use of it for the purpose of their respective projects.


Projects receiving contributions from third-party developers, please read our recommendations on how to manage code contributions.

Guidelines for contractors - legal compliance in developing open source solutions

Contractors or European Commission's teams working with contractors can refer to these guidelines that outline:

  • the legal compliance process for open source software;
  • the legal requirements for code repositories; and
  • technical considerations for creating a repository and using

Privacy is a free service offered by DIGIT Unit A.4.

Please read our privacy statement, here.

CI/CD bring your own runners

For now, all groups/projects will have to bring their own CI/CD Runners.

(Note: in the future, the Commission might make available a few default Runners.)


Questions regarding can be sent to the Commission open source programme office; EU CODE EUROPA. You can also contact us here: For media inquiries: please contact the DIGIT communication team.