Code development platform for open source projects from the European Union institutions

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- added the Publish/Subscribe communication pattern.
- added the missing attribute locationRole to the translation of message type 5.
- computed the ETA for AIS message of type 5 in a more precise way. It is now setting
  an ETA trying to guess the closest date to today. Note: the ais message don't
  include the year of the ETA and that might create some ambiguities.
- added the support to messages of type 'Push' and ServiceOperation 'Subscribe'. This features allows to interact directly with the light client.
- The AisStreamGenerator to be used to read the ais tracks can now be loaded at runtime using a specific configuration property.
- Fixed an error on the datetime passed to the translation of the eta ais field.
- Added the capability to use a delimiter different from \n specified in the property file.
- The printing of the configuration at boot time will shade the properties named `password`.
- Updated and improved documentation.