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Created with Raphaël 2.2.02Dec21Nov88Sep78Jul24May181716151312enh: change jrcmatics time jump scriptmainmainenh: jrcmatics test scripts for updatesfeat: jrcmatics script to read csv and generate trip_guidenh: update delete GIT_SETUP.mdenh:, environment.yml, and config.pyadd obfcm importersadd cop importersfix(scripts) save user name and email inputs to .gitconfigadd extra atct configadd atct data impoertersadd realworld data impoertersenh:, environment.yml, and config.pymove eea and fiat importerchange importsenh: and config.pyadd dependencies on environment.ymlmodify README.mdchange importersfix(setup) log to stderrv0.0.0v0.0.0enh(setup) dump homed-paths for conda-env >doc: don't recommend EOS dirsrename(scripts) U/PSTORE-->U/PEOS (& avoid PS1 hint)FEAT(setup) GITcompletions for bash ALIASES; >FEAT(setup) -k: KEEP_GOING, -f: FORCE >FEAT(setup) -n: DRY_RUN actionsrefact(setup) move HELP msg to the topFEAT(SETUP) extract CHECK_BEFORE_ACTION funcs; >feat(setup) exec many actions in cmdline; >FIX(scripts) hashbang PY3, as suggested in for-everyone/support#844fix(shell) stop bash escaping vars on TABrefact(setup) unident logged messages (simpler)FIX(setup) properly override PATH & PYTHONPATH >FIX(setup) hack to re-add conda-env/bin into PATH >FEAT(setup) STOP on conda-init, to split in 2 runs >refact(setup) reflect actual actions order >refact(setup) better name for `git_aliases` actionfix(scripts) hashbang had extra slashh in `env`feat(setup) auto_update_conda=false speedup updatesdoc(setup) msg explaining how to recreate conda-envfix(setup) project-root in PATH, exec scripts ovunque