Unified Data Structure db scrips
- script to import file data to db
- db queries Python/R &JSON files or embedded in python or R scripts
- sample code to use that
Read and apply first-time git setup instructions.
Clone git repo:
git clone https://jeodpp.jrc.ec.europa.eu/apps/gitlab/use_cases/legent/uds-scripts.git
Run this bash command to append scripts-path into $PATH and $PYTHONPATH:
source ./install.sh
CD to a dir where you are going to work, inside your home-dir, eg:
(this may be a new one) -
--(process db-data)--
- run scripts & queries to get the data from the db (and possibly create files)
- BASH-HISTORY is your friend
- modify script-files
- (optional) update db
- run scripts & queries to get the data from the db (and possibly create files)
copy/move specific files for the NextCloud agent to pick them up, from:
/home/{user}/Documents/{foo} --> /home/{user}/{foo}/Documents --> /eos/jeodpp/home/users/{user}/{bar} --> /eos/jeodpp/data/projects/LEGENT/transfer/{baz}
Sample code
from db import eea_2020_flattened
from utils import save_to_parquet
from config import Config
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(eea_2020_flattened.find())
... # process your data
save_to_parquet(df, Config.PUBLIC_SAVE_PATH, 'test.parquet')
save_to_excel(df, Config.PUBLIC_SAVE_PATH, 'test.xlsx')
NextCloud mapping of folders
BDAP PC-folder of NextCloud
========================================= =========================
/home/{user}/Documents <--> ~/BDAPCloud/data
/eos/jeodpp/home/users/{user} <--> ~/BDAPCloud/eos_user_home
/eos/jeodpp/data/projects/LEGENT/transfer <--> ~/BDAPCloud/eos_LEGENT