Gilmar Lima authoredGilmar Lima authored
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links--oe-multilingual-content-language-block.html.twig 1.63 KiB
{% apply spaceless %}
{# This template uses the BCL composition for
language switcher with following components:
- bcl-alert
- bcl-button
- bcl-link
{% set _id = "dropdown-languages" %}
{% set _message = {
message: "This page is not available in @language."|t({'@language': unavailable_language}),
icon_path: "/icons.svg",
variant: "warning",
{% set _expandable = {
label: "Choose another language"|t,
icon: {
name: "caret-down-fill",
path: bcl_icon_path,
outline: "true",
} %}
{% set _languages = languages|default([]) %}
{% set _expandable_attributes = _expandable.attributes ?: create_attribute() %}
{% set _expandable_attributes = _expandable_attributes
.setAttribute('data-bs-toggle', 'collapse')
.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off')
.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false')
.setAttribute('aria-controls', _id)
.setAttribute('data-bs-target', '#' ~ _id)
{% include '@oe-bcl/bcl-alert/alert.html.twig' with _message only %}
<div class="mb-3">
{% include '@oe-bcl/bcl-button/button.html.twig' with _expandable|merge({
attributes: _expandable_attributes
}) only %}
<div class="collapse mt-3" id="{{ _id }}">
style="grid-auto-flow: column; grid-template-rows: repeat(4, 1fr)"
{% for language in languages %}
{% include '@oe-bcl/bcl-link/link.html.twig' with language|merge({
attributes: create_attribute().addClass(["btn", "btn-link", "d-block", "ps-0", "text-start"])
}) only %}
{% endfor %}
{% endapply %}