This document outlines the environment variables required to configure the application's connections to PostgreSQL, Redis, and other services. These variables are crucial for ensuring that the application connects properly to its backend services within a Kubernetes environment.
You can override this configuration changing the values.yaml
## Overview
The environment variables listed below are used to define the connection details and credentials for PostgreSQL, Redis, and other services. The values are templated using Helm, allowing for customization based on the namespace and other values provided in the Helm chart.
- `SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL`: The URL for the datasource connection.
- Value is derived from `db.url` specified in the Helm values.
- `SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME`: The username for the datasource.
- Value is derived from `db.username` specified in the Helm values.
- `SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD`: The password for the datasource.
- Value is derived from `db.password` specified in the Helm values.
### Redis Configuration
- `SPRING_DATA_REDIS_HOST`: The host address for the Redis service.
- Value is derived from `` specified in the Helm values.
- Value is derived from `redis.port` specified in the Helm values.
- `SPRING_DATA_REDIS_USERNAME`: The username for connecting to Redis.
- Value is derived from `redis.username` specified in the Helm values.
- `SPRING_DATA_REDIS_PASSWORD`: The password for connecting to Redis.
- Value is derived from `redis.password` specified in the Helm values.
### Keycloak Configuration
- `KEYCLOAK_URL`: The URL for the Keycloak authentication service.
- This value is generated using the `microservices.backend.url` Helm template and points to the `/auth` endpoint of the Keycloak service.
- `KEYCLOAK_APP_REALM`: The realm to be used for the application within Keycloak.
- Value is derived from the `global.profile` specified in the Helm values.
- `KEYCLOAK_MASTER_USER`: The username to be used for the master realm in keycloak.
- Value is derived from the `keycloak.master.user` specified in the Helm values.
- `KEYCLOAK_MASTER_PASSWORD`: The password to be used for the master realm in keycloak.
- Value is derived from the `keycloak.master.password` specified in the Helm values.
### Client Authority Configuration
- `CLIENT_AUTHORITY_URL`: The URL for the client authority service.
- This value is generated using the `tls.gateway.url` Helm template.
- `CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD`: The password for the client certificate.
- Value is derived from `global.keystore.password` specified in the Helm values.
## Usage
To use this `ConfigMap`, include it in your Helm chart and provide the necessary values in the `values.yaml` file. The `ConfigMap` will be generated based on the namespace and other settings you define.
profile: authority
### Example `values.yaml`
url: "jdbc:postgresql://postgresql.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:5432/usersroles"
username: "usersroles"
password: "usersroles"
host: "redis-master.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local"
port: "6379"
username: "default"
password: "admin"
user: "user"
password: "admin"
identityProviderUrl: http://identity-provider.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:8080