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Markus QUARITSCH authored
combine pneumatic air demand with and without retarder into single field, rename properties, rename class and interface
Markus QUARITSCH authoredcombine pneumatic air demand with and without retarder into single field, rename properties, rename class and interface
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Overview_BusAuxConfig.txt 4.56 KiB
+--- ElectricUserInputConfig
| +--- PowerNetVoltage => const
| +--- AlternatorMap (IAlternatorMap) -> to be replaced by fixed efficiency (function of technology, size (=0.7))
| +--- AlternatorGearEfficiency => const
| +--- ElectricalConsumerList (IElectricalConsumerList) => fix, which consumers are applied from segment table, or input (bool), doors: 2
| +--- DoorActuationTime => const
| +--- ResultCardIdle (IResultCard) => input (?)
| | +--- Results (IReadonlyList<SmartResult>) ==> Not needed in Interface? XX
| | +--- GetSmartCurrentResult
| +--- ResultCardTraction
| | +--- Results (IReadonlyList<SmartResult>) ==> Not needed in Interface? XX
| | +--- GetSmartCurrentResult
| +--- ResultCardOverrun
| | +--- Results (IReadonlyList<SmartResult>) ==> Not needed in Interface? XX
| | +--- GetSmartCurrentResult
| +--- SmartElectrical => input
| +--- StoredEnergyEfficiency => const
+--- PneumaticAuxiliariesConfig => const
| +--- OverrunUtilisationForComressionFraction
| +--- BrakingWithRetarderNIperKg
| +--- BrakingNoRetarderNIperKg
| +--- PerDoorOpeningNI
| +--- PerStopBrakeActuationNIperKG
| +--- AirControlledSuspensionNIperMinute
| +--- AdBlueNIperMinute
| +--- NonSmartRegenFractionTotalAirDemand
| +--- SmartRegenFractionTotalAirDemand
| +--- DeadVolumeLiters
| +--- DeadVolBlowOutsPerLitresperHour
+--- PneumaticUserInputsconfig
| +--- CompressorMap (ICompressorMap) => input (size of air supply) defines compressor map to be used (available in test project!)
| +--- CompressorGearEfficiency => const
| +--- CompressorGearRatio => input
| X ActuationsMap (Dictionary<ActuationsKey, int>) (XXX)
| +--- SmartAirCompression => input (?)
| +--- SmartRegeneration => input (?)
| +--- RetartderBrake => input vehicle data
| +--- KneelingHeight => calculate: entrance height - 270mm, primary vehicle fix 80mm
| +--- AirSuspensionControlTechnology => input
| +--- AdBlueDosingTechnology => yes -> pneumatic, no electric
| +--- DoorsTechnology => input
+--- HVACUserInputsConfig
| +--- HVACConstants
| +--- FuelProperties
+--- SSMInputs
| +--- SSMDisabled => false
| +--- BusParameters => vehicle data
| | +--- BusModel
| | +--- NumberOfPassengers
| | +--- BusFloorType
| | +--- BusLength
| | +--- BusWidth
| | +--- BusHeight
| | +--- ... further derived parameters
| +--- Technologies (List<TechBenefitLine) => input
| +--- BoundaryConditions => const
| | +--- GFactor
| | +--- SolarClouding
| | +--- HeatPerPassengerIntoCabin
| | +--- UValue
| | +--- HeatingBoundaryTemp
| | +--- CoolingBoundaryTemp
| | +--- HighVentilation
| | +--- LowVentilation
| | +--- ... further constant values
| +--- EnvironmentalConditions
| | +--- DefaultConditions (IEnvironmentalContitionsMapEntry) --> not relevant
| | | +--- Temperature
| | | +--- Solar
| | | +--- Weighting ( = 1)
| | +--- EnvironmentalConditionsMap (IEnvironmentalConditionsMap) ==> const
| | | +--- GetEnvironmentalConditions (IReadonlyList<IEnvironmentalContitionsMapEntry>)
| | +--- BatchMode => true
| +--- ACSystem
| | +--- CompressorType -> input parameter
| | +--- CompressorTypeDerived -> calculated
| | +--- CompressorCapacity -> calculated (excel)
| | +--- COP -> generic
| +--- Ventilation
| | +--- VentilationDuringHeating => const
| | +--- VentilationWhenBothHeatingAndACInactive => const
| | +--- VentilationDuringAC => const
| | +--- VentilationFlowSettingsWhenHeatingAndACInactive => const
| | +--- VentilationDuringHeating => const
| | +--- VentilationDuringCooling => const
| +--- AuxHeater
| +--- FuelFiredHeaterKw => derived fom input parameter
| +--- FuelEnergyToHeatToCoolant => const
| +--- CoolantHeatTransferredToAirCondition => const
+--- ActuationsMap (??) => update
+--- VehicleData
+--- FuelMap