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Forked from VECTO / VECTO Sim
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Driving Cycles (.vdri)

A Driving Cycle defines the parameters of a simulated route in Vecto. It is either time-based or distance-based and has different fields depending on the driving cycle type. The basic file format is Vecto-CSV and the file type ending is ".vdri". A Job must have at least one driving cycle (except in Declaration mode, where the driving cycles are predefined).

Driving Cycle Types

Declaration Mode Cycles

In Declaration Mode driving cycles are automatically chosen depending on vehicle category and cannot be changed by the user. These predefined cycles are of type target-speed, distance-based.

  • Coach: 275km
  • Construction: 21km
  • Heavy Urban: 30km
  • Inter Urban: 123km
  • Long Haul: 100km
  • Municipal Utility: 10km
  • Regional Delivery: 26km
  • Sub Urban: 23km
  • Urban: 40km
  • Urban Delivery: 28km

Verification Test Cycle

This kind of cycle is used for simulating vehicles defined in declaration mode (xml) on a real driving cycle.

Header: <t>, <v>, <n_eng>,<n_fan>, <Pel_fan>, <tq_wh_left>, <tq_wh_right>, <n_wh_left>, <n_wh_right>, <tq_eng>, <CO>, <NOx>, <PN>, <CO2>, <fc_X>, <gear>, <TC_active>, <THC>, <CH4>, <NMHC>

Bold columns are mandatory. Italic columns are optional. Only the listed columns are allowed (no other columns!).
Units are optional and are enclosed in [square-brackets] after the header-column. Comments may be written with a preceding hash-sign "#". <n_fan> and <Pel_fan> are mutually exclusive, you can have only one of them in the cycle.

Identifier Unit Description
t [s] The absolute time. Must always be increasing.
v [km/h] The actual velocity of the vehicle. Must be >= 0 km/h.
n_eng [rpm] The actual engine speed. Must be >= 0 rpm.
n_fan [rpm] The actual engine-fan speed. Must be >= 0 rpm. Mutually exclusive with Pel_fan.
Pel_fan [W] Electric cooling fan power. Mutually exclusive with n_fan.
tq_wh_left [Nm] The actual torque at the driven wheel (left side)
tq_wh_right [Nm] The actual torque at the driven wheel (left side)
n_wh_left [rpm] The actual wheel speed of the driven wheel (left side). Must be >= 0 rpm.
n_wh_right [rpm] The actual wheel speed of the driven wheel (right side). Must be >= 0 rpm.
tq_eng [Nm] Engine torque
CO [g/s] CO mass flow
NOx [g/s] NOx mass flow
PN [#/s] PM number flow
CO2 [g/s] CO2 mass flow
fc_X [g/h] Fuel consumption. “X” shall be the fuel type, e.g. “<fc_Diesel CI>”. For dual-fuel engines a separate column for each fuel shall be provided.
gear [-] The actual gear. Mandatory for APT transmissions.
TC_active [-] Torque converter active. 0 = not active (locked); 1 = active (unlocked); mandatory for AT transmissions, not relevant for other transmission types.
THC [g/s] THC mass flow. Mandatory if CH4 and NMHC are not present.
CH4 [g/s] CH4 mass flow.
NMHC [g/s] NMHC mass flow.


<t> [s] <v> [km/h] <n_eng> [rpm] <n_fan> [rpm] <tq_wh_left> [Nm] <tq_wh_right> [Nm] <n_wh_left> [rpm] <n_wh_right> [rpm] <tq_eng> [Nm] <CO> [g/s] <CO2> [g/s] <NOx> [g/s] <THC> [g/s] <PN> [#/s] <fc_Diesel CI> [g/h] <gear>
0 0 599.7 727.3 319.1 429.8 0.78 0.78 219 1234 657 243 345 6544 836 3
0.5 0 600.2 727.3 316.7 430.0 0.78 0.78 219 1243 765 233 345 6544 836 3
1 0 600.1 726.9 319.9 430.8 0.78 0.78 220 1211 345 244 344 5555 836 3
1.5 0 599.9 726.6 317.4 431.1 0.78 0.79 220 1222 445 233 455 4565 836 3
2 0 600.1 726.2 319.5 421.7 0.78 0.78 220 1233 678 233 355 6555 836 3
2.5 0 599.7 726 319.0 434.1 0.78 0.78 220 1332 666 244 454 6555 836 3
3 0 600.2 725.4 322.2 428.5 0.78 0.78 220 1223 888 243 544 4565 836 3
3.5 0 599.9 724.7 317.3 430.4 0.78 0.78 222 1144 456 322 345 6565 836 3
4 0 599.5 724.0 320.9 428.0 0.78 0.78 223 1232 788 234 344 4566 836 3
4.5 0 599.9 723.4 187.0 247.6 0.78 0.78 222 1222 566 433 555 4566 836 3
5 0 598.7 722.5 156.9 171.5 0.78 0.78 218 1122 888 222 345 6565 1003.2 3

Engineering Mode: Target-Speed, Distance-Based Cycle

This driving cycle defines the target speed over distance. Vecto tries to achieve and maintain this target speed.

Header: <s>, <v>, <stop>[, <Padd>][, <grad>][, <PTO>][, <vair_res>, <vair_beta>][, <Aux_ID>]

Bold columns are mandatory. Italic columns are optional. Only the listed columns are allowed (no other columns!).
Units are optional and are enclosed in [square-brackets] after the header-column. Comments may be written with a preceding hash-sign "#".

Note: if the cycle starts with a target speed of 0 km/h and the stop-time for the first entry is 0, VECTO sets the stop-time to 1s automatically.

Identifier Unit Description
s [m] Traveled distance. Must always be increasing.
v [km/h] The target vehicle velocity. Must be >= 0 km/h.
stop [s] Stopping Time. Defines the time span the vehicle is standing still (time the vehicle spending in a stop phase). After this time, the vehicle tries to accelerate to <v>. If during a stop phase the PTO cycle is activated, it is recommended to use at least 2 seconds of stop time (which gets split up: first half before the PTO cycle, second half after the PTO cycle).
Padd [kW] Additional auxiliary power demand. This power demand will be directly added to the engine power in addition to possible other auxiliaries. Must be >= 0 kW.
grad [%] The road gradient.
PTO [0/1] "0"=disabled, "1"=PTO active during standstill, "2"=PTO active during driving with PTO power from driving cycle, "3"=PTO active during driving, separate time-based PTO cycle. If at a vehicle stop (defined by target velocity=0) "1" is specified, the PTO cycle as specified in the *.vptoc–File is simulated. This is described in the PTO Simulation Model The PTO activation is added to the simulation time in the middle of the stopping time as defined by the cycle parameter "stop". The PTO Cycle can be specified in the Vehicle Editor. When PTO is activated it is recommended to use at least 2 seconds as stop time.
vair_res [km/h] Air speed relative to vehicle for cross wind correction. Only required if Cross Wind Correction is set to Vair & Beta Input.
vair_beta [°] Wind Yaw Angle for cross wind correction. Only required if Cross Wind Correction is set to Vair & Beta Input.
Aux_ID [kW] Auxiliary Supply Power. Can be defined multiple times with different Identifiers. The supply power input for each auxiliary defined in the .vecto file with the corresponding ID. ID's are not case sensitive and must only contain letters and numbers [a-z,A-Z,0-9]. Must be >= 0 kW.
P_PTO [kW] Auxiliary power applied for PTO activation mode 2 (PTO active during drive, PTO demand defined in cycle)


<s> [m] <v> [km/h] <stop> [s] <grad> [%] <Padd> [kW]
0 10 10 2.95 1.5
1 20 0 2.97 1.3
2 35 0 3.03 1.3
3 50 0 2.99 1.3

Engineering Mode: Measured-Speed, Time-Based Cycle

This driving cycle defines the actual measured speed over time. Vecto tries to simulate the vehicle model using this speed as the actual vehicle speed. Due to differences in the real and simulated shift strategies a small difference in speed can occur, but Vecto immediately tries to catch up after the gear is engaged again.

Header: <t>, <v>[, <grad>][, <Padd>][, <vair_res>, <vair_beta>][, <Aux_ID>]

Bold columns are mandatory. Italic columns are optional. Only the listed columns are allowed (no other columns!).
Units are optional and are enclosed in [square-brackets] after the header-column. Comments may be written with a preceding hash-sign "#".

Identifier Unit Description
t [s] The absolute time. Must always be increasing.
v [km/h] The actual velocity of the vehicle. Must be >= 0 km/h.
Padd [kW] Additional auxiliary power demand. This power demand will be directly added to the engine power in addition to possible other auxiliaries. Must be >= 0 kW.
grad [%] The road gradient.
vair_res [km/h] Air speed relative to vehicle for cross wind correction. Only required if Cross Wind Correction is set to Vair & Beta Input.
vair_beta [°] Wind Yaw Angle for cross wind correction. Only required if Cross Wind Correction is set to Vair & Beta Input.
Aux_ID [kW] Auxiliary Supply Power. Can be defined multiple times with different Identifiers. The supply power input for each auxiliary defined in the .vecto file with the corresponding ID. ID's are not case sensitive and must only contain letters and numbers [a-z,A-Z,0-9]. Must be >= 0 kW.


<t> [s] <v> [km/h] <grad> [%] <Padd> [kW]
0 0 2.95 1.5
1 0.6 2.97 1.3
2 1.2 3.03 1.3
3 2.4 2.99 1.3

Engineering Mode: Measured-Speed With Gear, Time-Based Cycle

This driving cycle defines the actual measured speed of the vehicle, the gear, and the engine speed over time. It overrides the shift strategy of Vecto and also directly sets the engine speed.

Header: <t>, <v>, <gear>[, <tc_active>, <grad>][, <Padd>][, <vair_res>, <vair_beta>][, <Aux_ID>]

Bold columns are mandatory. Italic columns are optional. Only the listed columns are allowed (no other columns!).
Units are optional and are enclosed in [square-brackets] after the header-column. Comments may be written with a preceding hash-sign "#".

Identifier Unit Description
t [s] The absolute time. Must always be increasing.
v [km/h] The actual velocity of the vehicle. Must be >= 0 km/h.
gear [-] The current gear. Must be >= 0 (0 is neutral).
tc_active [-] For AT gearboxes mandatory! Indicate if the torque converter is active or locked. Depending on the gearbox type only allowed for 1st gear or 1st and 2nd gear.
Padd [kW] Additional auxiliary power demand. This power demand will be directly added to the engine power in addition to possible other auxiliaries. Must be >= 0 kW.
grad [%] The road gradient.
vair_res [km/h] Air speed relative to vehicle for cross wind correction. Only required if Cross Wind Correction is set to Vair & Beta Input.
vair_beta [°] Wind Yaw Angle for cross wind correction. Only required if Cross Wind Correction is set to Vair & Beta Input.
Aux_ID [kW] Auxiliary Supply Power. Can be defined multiple times with different Identifiers. The supply power input for each auxiliary defined in the .vecto file with the corresponding ID. ID's are not case sensitive and must only contain letters and numbers [a-z,A-Z,0-9]. Must be >= 0 kW.


<t> [s] <v> [km/h] <gear> [-] <grad> [%] <Padd> [kW]
0 0 0 2.95 1.5
1 0.6 3 2.97 1.3
2 1.2 3 3.03 1.3
3 2.4 3 2.99 1.3

Engineering Mode: Pwheel (SiCo), Time-Based

This driving cycle defines the power measured at the wheels over time. Vecto tries to simulate the vehicle with this power requirement.

Header: <t>, <Pwheel>, <gear>, <n>[, <Padd>]

Bold columns are mandatory. Italic columns are optional. Only the listed columns are allowed (no other columns!).
Units are optional and are enclosed in [square-brackets] after the header-column. Comments may be written with a preceding hash-sign "#".

Identifier Unit Quantity Description
t [s] The absolute time. Must always be increasing.
Pwheel [kW] Power at the wheels.
gear [-] The current gear. Must be >= 0 (0 is neutral).
n [rpm] The actual engine speed. Must be >= 0 rpm.
Padd [kW] Additional auxiliary power demand. This power demand will be directly added to the engine power. Must be >= 0 kW.


<t> [s] <Pwheel> [kW] <gear> [-] <n> [rpm] <Padd> [kW]
0 0 0 600 1.5
1 4.003 3 950 1.3
2 15.333 3 1200 1.3
3 50.56 3 1400 1.3

Engine Only Mode: Engine Only Driving Cycle

This driving cycle directly defines the engine's power or torque at the output shaft over time. Vecto adds the engine's inertia to the given power demand and simulates the engine.

Header: <t>, <n>, (<Pe>|<Me>)[, <Padd>]

Bold columns are mandatory. Italic columns are optional. Only the listed columns are allowed (no other columns!).
Units are optional and are enclosed in [square-brackets] after the header-column. Comments may be written with a preceding hash-sign "#".

Identifier Unit Description
t [s] The absolute time. Must always be increasing.
n [rpm] The actual engine speed. Must be >= 0 rpm.
Pe [kW] The power at the output shaft of the engine. Either <Pe> or <Me> must be defined.
Me [Nm] The torque at the output shaft of the engine. Either <Pe> or <Me> must be defined.
Padd [kW] Additional auxiliary power demand. This power demand will be directly added to the engine power. Must be >= 0 kW.


<t> [s] <n> [rpm] <Pe> [kW] <Padd> [kW]
0 600 0 1.5
1 950 25.3 1.3
2 1200 65.344 1.3
3 1400 110.1 1.3