Martin Dippold authoredMartin Dippold authored
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To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
- VECTO-CSE: Changes
- 2015-07-20: v2.0.2-beta6
- 2015-07-01: v2.0.2-beta6
- 2015-06-24: v2.0.2-beta5
- 2015-05-21: v2.0.1-beta5
- 2014-11-13: v2.0.1-beta4
- 2014-11-10: v2.0.1-beta3
- 2014-09-30: v2.0.1-beta2
- 2014-09-15: v2.0.1-beta1
- TODO: 2014-06-25: v2.0.1
- Internal:
- 2014-06-23: v2.0.1-beta0
- Internal:
- 2014-06-04: v2.0.1-pre2
- Internal:
- 2014-05-30: v2.0.1-pre1
- Internal:
- 2014-05-23: v2.0.1-pre0
- Internal:
- 2014-05-14: CSE2.01
CHANGES.md 7.46 KiB
VECTO-CSE: Changes
2015-07-20: v2.0.2-beta6
TUG improvements:
- Bugfix heading control
- Update user manual
- Add "Report bug" option
- Add JIRA Quick Start Guide
- Delete valid_t_tire from output files and job-file
- Change t_tire from required input data to optional (like p_tire)
- Delete rho_air_ref from criteria and GUI
2015-07-01: v2.0.2-beta6
TUG improvements:
- New Version number.
- Update region and language settings: now it is regardless of the system which settings are used ! But the file definitions are still the same
- Update of the excel makro in terms of the system region and language settings
2015-06-24: v2.0.2-beta5
Mostly TUG improvements:
- FIX Job-save missing criteria (hack)
- Update of calculation of the CdxA value from measured drag forces
- Update GenShape File
- Update of calibration of vehicle speed and anemometer speed (high speed test instead of "claibration test")
- new criteria delta_n_eng for LS/HS included
- Option in VECTO-CSE to read in cardan speed instead of engine speed and gear ratios for HS and LS --> Update of the vehicle file
- Update calculation with cardan speed: Calculation only if engine speed is not given an automated transmission is used
- Program user friendly updates
- Update F_acc calculation
- Update r_dyn calculation for each test (HS, LS1, LS2)
- Update DemoData
- Update user manual and release notes
- Output folder will be now created automatically if it´s not existing without questioning
- Welcome form added for first application start
- Correction of welcome window
- Add the Excel-makro to generate the input data into the DemoData files
- New Version number.
2015-05-21: v2.0.1-beta5
TUG improvements:
- Handling of time steps where coordinates are constant over a certain time period (GPS accuracy issue) set gradient to 0 to avoid division by zero
- Allow also non-continuous input data in *.csdat files
- Direct start option included
- Anemometer instrument calibration removed from CSE calculation
- Update of definition of beta-signal (180° = air flow from front)
- Acceleration correction: true as default
- Control if heading and given direction is always the same
- set criteria to "standard" when CSE opens
- store information when switching between tabs
- ResetCriteria and ImportCriteria do not clear main tab
- New Version number.
2014-11-13: v2.0.1-beta4
TUG improvements:
- Bugfix linear regression calculation LS
- Add control for beta angle <= 360° and calculation to +-180° if angle > +-180°
- Update user manual
- New Version number.
2014-11-10: v2.0.1-beta3
TUG improvements:
- Correction HS calculation
- Correction length calculation for the first section in the dat-file when there is a gap between the first and second MS.
- Update length calculation in csms-file to check if specified length from user and coordinates are the same
- New Version number.
2014-09-30: v2.0.1-beta2
TUG improvements:
- Correction GenShape Check
- New Version number.
2014-09-15: v2.0.1-beta1
TUG improvements:
- IO: Data reading corrected for first data set in measurement section file, weather file and data files.
- New Version number.
TODO: 2014-06-25: v2.0.1
Mostly JRC contributions (see VECTO-29 & VECTO-35):
- IO: JSON-ize preferences, vehicle, job & criteria-files EXCEPT from Track-file.
- IO: CSVize all the rest files with a single header line and use '#' for comment lines.
- IO: Separate config/ from Declaration/ folders.
- UI: Provide default-values and help-messages in GUI/files with infos fetched from JSON-schemas.
- UI: Make the Log-window visible at all times (more necessary now that unhandled exceptions are appropriately reported).
- Log: Gather all unhandled exceptions and report them into log-window and log-file.
- Log: Improving error-reporting by including stack-traces and timestamps into the log-file, for post-mortem examination.
- Translate all file-paths against
, so that i.e. Job-files can be ported to other computers. - Possible to specify any editor (not only notepad.exe) for viewing files.
- Standarize versioning using SemanticVersioning.
- Welcome developers and users with README.md, CHANGES.md and COPYING.txt files.
- Implement an API for writing Header/Body json-files.
- Apply Object-oriented design weith resource-management when I/O files.
- Sporadic fixes to work with filenames having 2-part extensions (ie
). - Log: Improve logging-API so now a single log-routine is used everywhere(instead of 3 different ones).
- async: Stop abusing worker-Thread with Globals, use DoWorkEventArgs instead.
- async: Start using Exceptions instead of CancelAsync() and error-flags.
- General restructuring of the folders and names in the project.
More analytically:
2014-06-23: v2.0.1-beta0
Mostly TUG improvements:
- json: Store run-results within the Job-file.
- csv: Ensure result-files are valid CSVs.
- csv: Changed comment symbol in CSV files from 'c' --> '#'
- csv: Unify hunits into header labels.
- Use Exceptions instead of CancelAsync() and error-flags in calc-routines and input.vb.
- Remove unused distVincenty() func.
- Added EUPL preamble on all source-files.
2014-06-04: v2.0.1-pre2
JRC contributions:
- Convert Job & Criteria files to JSON and possible to store them separately.
- Still supporting old format for reading.
- Use Use WorkingDir trick for all job-file paths, so that Job-files can be ported to other computers.
- UI: Make the Log-window visible at all times (more necessary now that unhandled exceptions are appropriately reported).
- UI: Setup criteria-infobox from JSON-schema.
- Log unhandled exceptions.
- Gather all infos related to Job-properties (type, description, units) in a single place, the JSON-schema for the job-file.
- async: Stop abusing worker-Thread with Globals, use DoWorkEventArgs instead.
- Sporadic fixes to work with filenames having 2-part extensions (ie
). - More refactorings to simplify structure of source files and folders.
2014-05-30: v2.0.1-pre1
JRC contributions:
- Read/write Vehicle-file as JSON.
- prefsUI: Add Reload button.
- Remember window-location (use .net Settings for that).
- All logs (even those sent to msg-box) are written to log-file, with timestamps and stack-traces.
- Start saving stack-traces into the log-file.
- Enhance JSON-files with standard header/body behavior.
- Link JSON to GUI controls (labels & toolstips)
- json: Read defaults from schemas.
- Rework logging as a single routine, whether invoked from Background Worker or not.
2014-05-23: v2.0.1-pre0
JRC contributions:
- Separate config/ from Declaration/ folders.
- Remove the versioning infos from app-name (manual, project-name, folders) and use SemanticVersioning 2.0.0 instead.
- Possible to use any editor (not only notepad.exe).
- Added README.md, CHANGES.md, COPYING.txt files.
- Auto create config/ on the 1st run, converted to JSON with transparent error-handling.
- FIX leaking of file-descriptors by using VB's 'Using' statement (class 'cFile_v3' now implements IDisposeable).
2014-05-14: CSE2.01
1st delivery from TU-Graz under Lot-3.