- Oct 21, 2016
Martin Dippold authored
* Expand vehicle file with GVMMax value * Displacement of Genshape file into code * Add reference vehicle high in genshape class * Add minimum/maximum vehicle high in genshape class * Control of min/max height with vehicle height only in Declaration mode * Change of CdxA(ß) and beta calculation * Update UserManual and ReleaseNotes * Delete Declaration-folder and GenShape-file * Change of *_AirDrag.csv result-file
- Aug 17, 2016
Martin Dippold authored
* Include of new variables for validity criteria (t_amb; t_ground; tq_grd) * Deletion of [ss.ss] coordinate input * Update criteria values * Include of reference vehicle high in genshape file * Expansion of the job-File due to new results * Expand vehicle file with vVehMax value * Check of digits after decimal seperator for all coordinates and transmission ratios (gear + axle) * Update GUI due to new criteria values * Option 2 result values deleted * Output files adapted * Calculation of new Result values (delta_CdxA_height; v_avg_LS/HS; t_amb_LS1) * Update of Excel DemoData file
- Jul 28, 2016
Martin Dippold authored
* Finalization altitude correction * Fv_veh calculation update (now option 2 is the new preferred one) Option 2 is deleted from result file
- Jan 21, 2016
Martin Dippold authored
Martin Dippold authored
* Bugfix control heading calculation in *.csms file * Bugfix old functions for day changes deleted * Update user manual and release notes
- Dec 04, 2015
Martin Dippold authored
- Oct 09, 2015
Martin Dippold authored
- Oct 06, 2015
Martin Dippold authored
* Update release updates and user manual * Updates error and warning messages * Include given heading with calculated coordinate heading * Include free definition of coordinate unit for *.csms files * Update Changes.md * Update DemoData
- Jul 23, 2015
Martin Dippold authored
- Jul 20, 2015
Martin Dippold authored
* Delete valid_t_tire from output files and job-file * Change t_tire from required in input data to optional (like p_tire) * Delete rho_air_ref from criteria and GUI * Update release notes
Martin Dippold authored
* Update user manual * Input "Report bug" button (at the moment this does nothing)
- Jul 01, 2015
Martin Dippold authored
* Update region and language settings: now it is regardless of the system which settings are used ! But the file definitions are still the same * Update of the excel makro in terms of the system region and language settings
- Jun 24, 2015
Martin Dippold authored
Martin Dippold authored
* Output folder will be now created automatically if it´s not existing without questioning * Welcome form added for first application start
- Nov 13, 2014
Martin Dippold authored
* Add control for beta angle <= 360° and calculation to +-180° if angle > +-180° * Update user manual * New Version number.
Martin Dippold authored
This reverts commit ac3d72cc.
Martin Dippold authored
* Correction length calculation for the first section in the dat-file when there is a gap between the first and second MS. * Update length calculation in csms-file to check if specified length from user and coordinates are the same * New Version number.
- Jun 25, 2014
Martin Dippold authored
Actualise the User Manual
- Jun 04, 2014
- May 24, 2014
* Add folders: Declaration/, DemoData/ and Docs/ with user-manual source. * Minor fixes in User Manual.: 2.01-->2.0.x, "executive"-->"executable". * Add BUILD.md, README.md, CHANGES.md, COPYING.txt. * Update Release-procedure in BUILD.md.
- May 19, 2014
* Add CSE-icon to main window. * Move and User-Manual into /Docs folder and remove version-info from its name. * Minor rename app with undrscore. * Use Markdown for README.