Code development platform for open source projects from the European Union institutions

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  • vecto/vecto
  • doumpst/vecto
  • vecto/sandbox
  • vecto/guests/vecto-sim-iker
  • vecto/guests/vecto-sim-tobia
  • vecto/tug-itna/mq_vecto-sim
  • vecto/tug-itna/hm_vecto-sim
  • amogoda/vecto
  • vecto/tug-itna/rk_vecto-sim
  • anagnko/vecto
  • alixgui/vecto
  • amogoda/sandbox
12 results
Show changes
Commits on Source (2027)
with 1900 additions and 402 deletions
text eol=crlf
\ No newline at end of file
* text=auto
......@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ Documentation/VehiclesReleaseComparisonDeclarationMode/tmp/
......@@ -224,3 +225,8 @@ Documentation/VehiclesReleaseComparisonDeclarationMode/**/*.vsum
/Generic Vehicles/Engineering Mode/GenericIHPC/6SpeedGbx/EM_Maps.xlsx
<!-- Note that this is a confidential issue. Only VECTO developers will have access to it. -->
<!-- Once the issue is solved, any confidential data attached will be removed and the issue will be made public for documentation purposes. -->
## Summary of the Article 10(2) issue
<!-- Summarize your purpose, problems encountered, or functionality missing. -->
## Additional information
<!-- Include the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). -->
<!-- Explain what data is included. -->
## Summary
<!-- Summarize your purpose, problems encountered, or functionality missing. -->
## Component(s) involved
<!-- GUI/CLI, simulation/IO/Hashing/Certification, Eng/Decl mode, generic data, VECTO/Trailer/Multistep, etc. -->
## Data & steps to reproduce
<!-- Provide logs, sample inputs & outputs, screenshots, and/or instructions to reproduce the issue. -->
## Versions affected:
- Windows version(s): Win10? Win11?
- VECTO versions(s): 3.x? 0.x?
- .NET version(s): ...
<!-- **Tip**: To discover your .NET version, type **[Ctrl+R] cmd [Enter]**,
then execute `reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setu p\NDP" /s`. -->
## Additional information
<!-- Optional information, such as your organization. -->
Markus QUARITSCH <> <>
Markus QUARITSCH <> <>
Markus QUARITSCH <> <>
Stefan MEYER <>
Harald MARTINI <> <>
Harald MARTINI <> <>
Harald MARTINI <> <>
Harald MARTINI <>
Franz KOBER josef<>
Franz KOBER josef<> <>
Michael KRISPER <>
Michael KRISPER <> <>
Michael KRISPER <> <>
Stefan BRANDT <> <>
Raphael LUZ <> <>
Glenn Zarb <>
Glenn Zarb <> <STC\GZ1>
Glenn Zarb <> “Glenn <“”>
Terry Burns <>
Kostis Anagnostopoulos <>
Kostis Anagnostopoulos <> <>
Raphael Kalchgruber <>
Vasilis Kouliaridis <> <>
\ No newline at end of file
<Project DefaultTargets = "Build" xmlns="" >
<Target Name="BeforeBuild" Condition="$(Configuration) == 'Deploy' OR $(Configuration) == 'Release'">
<!-- <Exec Condition="'@(VersionTemplates)'!=''" Command="&quot;%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Shared\TextTemplating\12.0\TextTransform.exe&quot; -I $(SolutionDir) &quot;%(VersionTemplates.Identity)&quot;"/> -->
<!-- <Exec Condition="'@(VersionTemplates)'!=''" Command="&quot;%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Shared\TextTemplating\14.0\TextTransform.exe&quot; -I $(SolutionDir) &quot;%(VersionTemplates.Identity)&quot;"/> -->
<Exec Condition="'@(VersionTemplates)'!=''" Command="&quot;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\IDE\TextTransform.exe&quot; -I $(SolutionDir) &quot;%(VersionTemplates.Identity)&quot;"/>
\ No newline at end of file
# git-cliff ~ default configuration file
# Lines starting with "#" are comments.
# Configuration options are organized into tables and keys.
# See documentation for more information on available options.
# Note: To get the context for a given command run said command with -x flag.
# template for the changelog footer
header = """
# template for the changelog body
body = """
{% if version -%}\
## {{ version }} ({{ timestamp | date(format="%d-%m-%Y") }})
{% else %}\
## [unreleased]
{% endif %}\
{% set_global filtered_commits = [] -%}
{% for commit in commits -%}
{% if commit.footers | length > 0 and commit.footers.0.token == "mr" -%}
{% set_global filtered_commits = filtered_commits | concat(with= commit) -%}
{% endif -%}
{%endfor -%}
{% for group, commits in filtered_commits | group_by(attribute="group") %}
### {{ group | striptags | trim | upper_first }}
{% for commit in commits %}
- {% if commit.breaking %}[**breaking**] {% endif %}\
{% if not commit.footers -%} {{ commit.message | upper_first }} {% endif %}\
{% if commit.footers | length > 2 -%}
{% if commit.footers.1.token == "issue" and commit.footers.1.value != "" -%}
CodeEU {{ commit.footers.1.value }}: {{ commit.message | upper_first }}\
{% elif commit.footers.1.token == "" -%}
{{ commit.message | upper_first }}\
{% endif -%}
{#{% if commit.footers.2.token == "description" and commit.footers.2.value != "" %}
<p>{{ commit.footers.2.value }}</p>
{% endif -%} -#}
{% else -%}
{{ commit.message | upper_first }}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% endfor -%}\n
# template for the changelog footer
footer = """
# remove the leading and trailing s
trim = true
# postprocessors
postprocessors = [
# { pattern = '<REPO>', replace = "" }, # replace repository URL
# parse the commits based on
conventional_commits = true
# filter out the commits that are not conventional
filter_unconventional = true
# process each line of a commit as an individual commit
split_commits = false
# regex for preprocessing the commit messages
commit_preprocessors = [
# Replace issue numbers
#{ pattern = '\((\w+\s)?#([0-9]+)\)', replace = "([#${2}](<REPO>/issues/${2}))"},
# Check spelling of the commit with
# If the spelling is incorrect, it will be automatically fixed.
#{ pattern = '.*', replace_command = 'typos --write-changes -' },
# regex for parsing and grouping commits
commit_parsers = [
{ message = "^feat", group = "<!-- 0 -->Features" },
{ message = "^fix", group = "<!-- 1 -->Bug Fixes" },
{ message = "^doc", group = "<!-- 3 -->Documentation" },
{ message = "^perf", group = "<!-- 4 -->Performance" },
{ message = "^refactor", group = "<!-- 2 -->Refactor" },
{ message = "^style", group = "<!-- 5 -->Styling" },
{ message = "^test", group = "<!-- 6 -->Testing" },
{ message = "^chore\\(release\\): prepare for", skip = true },
{ message = "^chore\\(deps.*\\)", skip = true },
{ message = "^chore\\(pr\\)", skip = true },
{ message = "^chore\\(pull\\)", skip = true },
{ message = "^chore|^ci", group = "<!-- 7 -->Miscellaneous Tasks" },
{ body = ".*security", group = "<!-- 8 -->Security" },
{ message = "^revert", group = "<!-- 9 -->Revert" },
# protect breaking changes from being skipped due to matching a skipping commit_parser
protect_breaking_commits = false
# filter out the commits that are not matched by commit parsers
filter_commits = false
# regex for matching git tags
# tag_pattern = "v[0-9].*"
# regex for skipping tags
# skip_tags = ""
# regex for ignoring tags
# ignore_tags = ""
# sort the tags topologically
topo_order = false
# sort the commits inside sections by oldest/newest order
sort_commits = "oldest"
# limit the number of commits included in the changelog.
# limit_commits = 42
# git-cliff ~ default configuration file
# Lines starting with "#" are comments.
# Configuration options are organized into tables and keys.
# See documentation for more information on available options.
# template for the changelog footer
header = """
# template for the changelog body
body = """
{% if version -%}\
**{{ version }} ({{ timestamp | date(format="%d-%m-%Y") }})**
{% else %}\
{% endif %}\
{% set_global filtered_commits = [] -%}
{% for commit in commits -%}
{% if commit.footers | length > 0 and commit.footers.0.token == "mr" -%}
{% set_global filtered_commits = filtered_commits | concat(with= commit) -%}
{% endif -%}
{%endfor -%}
{% for group, commits in filtered_commits | group_by(attribute="group") %}
- {{ group | striptags | trim | upper_first }}
{% filter indent(width=4) -%}
{% for commit in commits %}
* {% if commit.breaking -%}[**breaking**] {% endif %}\
{% if not commit.footers -%} {{ commit.message | upper_first }} {% endif %}\
{% if commit.footers -%}
{% if commit.footers.1.token == "issue" and commit.footers.1.value != "" -%}
CodeEU {{ commit.footers.1.value }}: {{ commit.message | upper_first }}\
{% elif commit.footers.1.token == "" -%}
{{ commit.message | upper_first }}\
{% endif -%}
{#{% if commit.footers.2.token == "description" and commit.footers.2.value != "" %}
<p>{{ commit.footers.2.value }}</p>
{% endif -%} -#}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% endfilter -%}
{% endfor -%}\n
# template for the changelog footer
footer = """
# remove the leading and trailing s
trim = true
# postprocessors
postprocessors = [
# { pattern = '<REPO>', replace = "" }, # replace repository URL
# parse the commits based on
conventional_commits = true
# filter out the commits that are not conventional
filter_unconventional = true
# process each line of a commit as an individual commit
split_commits = false
# regex for preprocessing the commit messages
commit_preprocessors = [
# Replace issue numbers
#{ pattern = '\((\w+\s)?#([0-9]+)\)', replace = "([#${2}](<REPO>/issues/${2}))"},
# Check spelling of the commit with
# If the spelling is incorrect, it will be automatically fixed.
#{ pattern = '.*', replace_command = 'typos --write-changes -' },
# regex for parsing and grouping commits
commit_parsers = [
{ message = "^feat", group = "<!-- 0 -->Features" },
{ message = "^fix", group = "<!-- 1 -->Bug Fixes" },
{ message = "^doc", group = "<!-- 3 -->Documentation" },
{ message = "^perf", group = "<!-- 4 -->Performance" },
{ message = "^refactor", group = "<!-- 2 -->Refactor" },
{ message = "^style", group = "<!-- 5 -->Styling" },
{ message = "^test", group = "<!-- 6 -->Testing" },
{ message = "^chore\\(release\\): prepare for", skip = true },
{ message = "^chore\\(deps.*\\)", skip = true },
{ message = "^chore\\(pr\\)", skip = true },
{ message = "^chore\\(pull\\)", skip = true },
{ message = "^chore|^ci", group = "<!-- 7 -->Miscellaneous Tasks" },
{ body = ".*security", group = "<!-- 8 -->Security" },
{ message = "^revert", group = "<!-- 9 -->Revert" },
# protect breaking changes from being skipped due to matching a skipping commit_parser
protect_breaking_commits = false
# filter out the commits that are not matched by commit parsers
filter_commits = false
# regex for matching git tags
# tag_pattern = "v[0-9].*"
# regex for skipping tags
# skip_tags = ""
# regex for ignoring tags
# ignore_tags = ""
# sort the tags topologically
topo_order = false
# sort the commits inside sections by oldest/newest order
sort_commits = "oldest"
# limit the number of commits included in the changelog.
# limit_commits = 42
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\ No newline at end of file
Updates all Release Notes related files.
Updates all Release Notes related files.
Such as:
- Directory.Build.props
- Documentation/User Manual/6-changelog/
- Documentation/User Manual Source/Release Notes Vecto4.x.pdf
- Documentation/User Manual Source/ReleaseNotesMDs/ (manually updated if custom content needed)
Enables custom modification of all Release Notes files by overriding git cliff output with content.
./BuildTools/update_changelog.ps1 4.5.5
./BuildTools/update_changelog.ps1 4.5.5 -Force
param([string]$RELEASE_VERSION=$null, [switch]$Force)
function Update-MarkdownContent ([string] $targetFile, [string] $contentFile, [string] $injectionMarker = ""){
$changelogAdded = $false
if(!$(Test-Path $targetFile)){
Write-Host "Markdown file not updated because it does not exist" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Write-Host "File: '${targetFile}'" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
(Get-Content $targetFile) |
Foreach-Object {
if($injectionMarker -eq ""){
if(-not $changelogAdded){
$(Get-Content $contentFile)
$changelogAdded = $true
$_ # Send the current line to output
} else {
$_ # Send the current line to output
if($_ -match $injectionMarker){
if ($targetFile.Contains("")) {
$newHeader = "##"
} else {
$newHeader = "#"
$(Get-Content $contentFile).Replace("##", $newHeader)
} |
Set-Content $targetFile
function Update-BuildPropsVersion([string]$version) {
$VersionRgx = "<Version>\d+\.\d+\.\d+<\/Version>"
$VersionNode = "<Version>$version</Version>"
(Get-Content -Path $BuildPropsFile) |
ForEach-Object {$_ -Replace $VersionRgx, $VersionNode} |
Set-Content -Path $BuildPropsFile
function Remove-CliffArtifacts([string] $filename){
# When git trailer/footers are empty git cliff produces undesired artifacts that need removal.
$ArtifactFreeChangelog = $(Get-Content $filename).Replace("description::", ":").Replace("CodeEU : ", "")
# Gitlab issue clossing pattern:
$GITLAB_ISSUE_CLOSING_REGEX = "\b((?:[Cc]los(?:e[sd]?|ing)|\b[Ff]ix(?:e[sd]|ing)?|\b[Rr]esolv(?:e[sd]?|ing)|\b[Ii]mplement(?:s|ed|ing)?)(:?)) "
$ArtifactFreeChangelog -replace $GITLAB_ISSUE_CLOSING_REGEX | Set-Content $filename
$RELEASE_VERSION = Read-Host "Version number"
# Get release version and suffix from version string.
$VersionTag -match '((\d+)\.\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?)(-(RC|DEV))?' > $null
$VersionNumber = $Matches[1]
$MajorVersionNumber = $Matches[2]
$VersionSuffix = $Matches[5]
$IsReleaseCandidate = $VersionSuffix -eq "RC"
$IsReleaseDeveloper = $VersionSuffix -eq "DEV"
# Get version string to include in changelog
if($IsReleaseCandidate -or $IsReleaseDeveloper) {
$changelogVersion = "VECTO v$VersionNumber-$VersionSuffix"
} else {
$changelogVersion = "VECTO v$VersionNumber Official Release"
# PREVIOUS_RELEASE_SHA is the commit the previous release tag points to.
# CURRENT_RELEASE_SHA is the commit the current release tag points to.
$tags = @($(git tag -l --sort=-v:refname) | Where-Object { $_.Contains("Release/v$MajorVersionNumber") })
$CI_COMMIT_SHA = $(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)
$PREVIOUS_RELEASE_SHA = $(git rev-list -1 "tags/$($tags[0])")
$CURRENT_RELEASE_SHA = $(git rev-list -1 "tags/$($tags[0])")
$PREVIOUS_RELEASE_SHA = $(git rev-list -1 "tags/$($tags[1])")
Write-Host "Current version points to $($CURRENT_RELEASE_SHA)"
Write-Host "Previous version points to $($PREVIOUS_RELEASE_SHA)"
$CliffReleaseNotesMarkdown = "Documentation/User Manual Source/ReleaseNotesMDs/";
$CliffReleaseNotesHtmlMarkdown = "Documentation/User Manual Source/ReleaseNotesMDs/";
if(-not $Force){
# Get the latest changes for the release changelog.
git cliff "$CURRENT_RELEASE_SHA..$PREVIOUS_RELEASE_SHA" --unreleased --tag "$changelogVersion" -o $CliffReleaseNotesMarkdown --config ./BuildTools/cliff.toml
git cliff "$CURRENT_RELEASE_SHA..$PREVIOUS_RELEASE_SHA" --unreleased --tag "$changelogVersion" -o $CliffReleaseNotesHtmlMarkdown --config ./BuildTools/cliff_html.toml
Remove-CliffArtifacts $CliffReleaseNotesMarkdown
Remove-CliffArtifacts $CliffReleaseNotesHtmlMarkdown
# Update Release Notes and changelog markdowns.
# Based on the major, determine the ReleaseNotes for the given version.
if ($MajorVersionNumber -ne 3 -and $MajorVersionNumber -ne 4 -and $MajorVersionNumber -ne 0){
throw "Release Notes version ${MajorVersionNumber} not supported. Consider creating 'Release Notes' file."
} else {
$ReleaseNotesPdfMarkdown = "Documentation/User Manual Source/ReleaseNotesMDs/ReleaseNotesVecto${MajorVersionNumber}"
$ReleaseNotesPdf = "Documentation/User Manual Source/Release Notes Vecto${MajorVersionNumber}.x.pdf"
# Declare files to update
$UserManualHtml = "Documentation/User Manual/help.html"
$ChangelogMarkdownPath = "Documentation/User Manual/6-changelog/"
$BuildPropsFile = "Directory.Build.props"
# Reset files content to clean previous executions output.
git reset -- $ChangelogMarkdownPath $ChangesMarkdown $ReleaseNotesPdf $UserManualHtml $ReleaseNotesPdfMarkdown -q
git checkout -- $ChangelogMarkdownPath $ChangesMarkdown $ReleaseNotesPdf $UserManualHtml $ReleaseNotesPdfMarkdown
# Insert new changelog features into Release Notes.
$InjectNewFeaturesMark = "<!-- Cover Slide -->"
Update-MarkdownContent $ReleaseNotesPdfMarkdown $CliffReleaseNotesMarkdown $InjectNewFeaturesMark
# Insert new changelog features into VECTO changelog.
$ChangelogInjectMark = "# Changelog"
Update-MarkdownContent $ChangelogMarkdownPath $CliffReleaseNotesHtmlMarkdown $ChangelogInjectMark
$ChangesMarkdown = ""
Copy-Item $ChangelogMarkdownPath $ChangesMarkdown -Force
# Convert md to pdf
Push-Location "Documentation/User Manual Source/ReleaseNotesMDs"
pandoc "..\..\..\$ReleaseNotesPdfMarkdown" -o "..\..\..\$ReleaseNotesPdf" --css "..\..\..\BuildTools\templates\md-style.css" --pdf-engine=$Env:weasyprint --title="Changelog"
# User Manual HTML conversion script.
Push-Location "Documentation/User Manual/"
& './convert.bat'
Update-BuildPropsVersion $VersionNumber
# Stage the modified files by the script in git.
git add $CliffReleaseNotesMarkdown
git add $ReleaseNotesPdfMarkdown
git add $ChangelogMarkdownPath
git add $ChangesMarkdown
git add $ReleaseNotesPdf
git add $UserManualHtml
git add $BuildPropsFile
This diff is collapsed.
<DefineConstants />
<!-- For a Release-Candidate uncomment the following line: -->
<!-- For a Release uncomment the following line: -->
<!-- Global VECTO Version -->
<!-- The following settings are used as default values for ALL projects -->
<Authors>Graz University of Technology</Authors>
<Authors>Graz University of Technology, DG JRC</Authors>
<Company>European Union</Company>
<Copyright>Copyright © 2012-$([System.DateTime]::UtcNow.Year)</Copyright>
<!-- Set to true for VectoCore to fix Ninject version conflicts-->
<PropertyGroup Condition="$(DefineConstants.Contains('RELEASE_CANDIDATE'))">
<PropertyGroup Condition="$(DefineConstants.Contains('CERTIFICATION_RELEASE'))">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">
......@@ -51,4 +43,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='MockupDeploy'">
This diff is collapsed.

91.7 KiB

......@@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ In this column the input data of the current step is displayed, and can be edite
In case a mandatory input field is empty, or the value provided by the user is invalid the input element is highlighted with a red border. To remove an entry from the current step uncheck the corresponding checkbox.
### 8 Save and Close
- **Save as JSON ...**:\
Saves the input data as completed bus job (JSON v7).
Note: The created file consists of the paths of the VIF and the completed input relative to the created JSON (.vecto) file, to update edited fields the input has to be saved additionaly.
This option is only available if a step input was loaded, or the current input was already saved.
- **Save Input As ...**:\
Saves the input of the current step to a new file.
- **Save Input**: \
......@@ -70,6 +75,9 @@ In case a mandatory input field is empty, or the value provided by the user is i
- **Close**:\
Closes the window. Note: As long as VECTO is open and the job is not removed from the job list, unsaved changes remain in the job for further editing.
### 9 Architecture
- Shows the powertrain architecture of the vehicle. In case a vif is loaded this field is automatically set according to the primary vehicle.
If the step input is created without a vif, the architecture has to be selected manually.
## New Primary Job with Interim Input - Special Case I
If the manufacturer of the primary vehicle also adds certain components of the completed step (e.g., HVAC compressor), it is required that the VIF created at the primary step already contains the provided input parameters of the completed step. Therefore, at the primary step the input consists on the one hand of the input XML for the primary vehicle and on the other hand the XML with parts of the completed vehicle.
docker build -t ubuntu_pandoc .
docker run --rm --volume /mnt/c/Users/Harry/source/repos/hm_vecto-dev/Documentation/MultiStepTool:/documentation --entrypoint /documentation/ ubuntu_pandoc
SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
# Absolute path this script is in, thus /home/user/bin
docker run --rm --volume $SCRIPTPATH:/documentation --entrypoint /documentation/ ubuntu_pandoc
......@@ -12,11 +12,14 @@ cd documentation
declare -a FILES
mapfile -t FILES < files.txt
cat files.txt
echo "\n"
echo "Running pandoc with these input files"
echo "${FILES[@]}"
echo "${FILES[@]}\n"
echo "Start conversion"
#pandoc --verbose -f markdown+raw_html %LIST% -s -S --toc --toc-depth=2 --self-contained --email-obfuscation=none --section-divs --webtex -c includes/style.css -c includes/print.css -B includes/header.html -A includes/footer.html -o HashingToolHelp.html -H includes/jquery.js -H includes/jquery-ui.js -H includes/include.js
pandoc --verbose -f markdown+raw_html ${FILES[@]} -s -S --toc --toc-depth=2 --self-contained --email-obfuscation=none --section-divs --webtex -c includes/style.css -c includes/print.css -B includes/header.html -A includes/footer.html -o $OUTPUTFILE -H includes/jquery.js -H includes/jquery-ui.js -H includes/include.js

204 KiB | W: 0px | H: 0px


288 KiB | W: 0px | H: 0px

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
No preview for this file type