Sebastian-Ion TINCU authored
Add an async validator to enforce the password to be different than the previous one when updating one user's own password (not applying to System Administrator users managing other users' passwords).
Sebastian-Ion TINCU authoredAdd an async validator to enforce the password to be different than the previous one when updating one user's own password (not applying to System Administrator users managing other users' passwords).
Service Metadata Publishing
Continuous Integration
Building SMP
SMP requires Maven 3.0 and Java 1.7.
Integration tests included into build process require access to DB. By default it is a local instance of MySQL with preconfigured schema:
Any remote DB with preconfigured schema might be used as well. Sample build command:
mvn clean install \
-Djdbc.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver \
-Djdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:<HOST_AND_PORT_AND_SERVICENAME> \
-Djdbc.user=<USERNAME> \
-Djdbc.password=<PASSWORD> \
-Dtarget-database=Oracle \
Source code history
This is a continuation of CIPA SMP Joinup repository, which was migrated here to GIT on 07.12.2016: [https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/svn/cipaedelivery/trunk]
To run with SoapUI code coverage (from Bamboo, etc)
Step 1:
mvn clean install -Prun-soapui -Pdeploy-war -Djdbc.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver -Djdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:<HOST_AND_PORT_AND_SERVICENAME> -Djdbc.user= "-Djdbc.password=" -Dtarget-database=Oracle -DjacocoRemotePort=65000 -DjacocoRemoteAddress=localhost "-Durl=http://localhost:7001/smp" -DdeployWarFolder=/home/edelivery/oracle/middleware/domains/bdmsl/autodeploy/
Step 2:
mvn sonar:sonar