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European Union Public License 1.2CoreTIDE, the powerhouse powering the OpenTIDE initiative and the first DetectionOps open platform, developed at the European Commission
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CERT-EU / droid
European Union Public License 1.2A pySigma wrapper to manage detection rules.
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Digital Services Act / Transparency Database / dsa-tdb
European Union Public License 1.2Updated -
JRC Energy Security / eurogastp – Python tools for analyzing the European gas system
European Union Public License 1.2This Python package facilitates downloading and processing data from the following transparency platforms (TPs): ENTSOG (https://transparency.entsog.eu/), GIE AGSI+ (https://agsi.gie.eu/) and GIE ALSI (https://alsi.gie.eu/).
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European Union Public License 1.2Updated -
INCA / gis-plugins / Gis Plugins
European Union Public License 1.2The European Commission supported the UN in the development of this framework with contributions from scientists, statisticians, and policymakers throughout the Knowledge Innovation Project on Integrated Natural Capital Accounting (INCA). The INCA project is jointly undertaken by European Commission services (Eurostat, the Joint Research Centre, DG Environment and DG Research and Innovation) and the European Environment Agency.
This repository provides access to the QGIS plug-in INCA to generate ecosystem accounts according to the SEEA EA method and European guidelines.
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TED AI / infrastructure / gitlab-runner
MIT No AttributionUpdated -
ELI Search / gitlab_runner
MIT No AttributionUpdated -
LLM-Safety / GuardBench
European Union Public License 1.2Updated -