Table of contents
Navigate codeu
The main entry point to VECTO at (or codeu, in short) is the VECTO group website:
There you can find all VECTO projects and navigate to the desired one:
- VECTO Simulator: See its Wiki page.
VECTO Multistep: Part of the
branch of the VECTO Simulator project. See its Wiki page. - VECTO Trailer: See its Wiki page.
- VECTO Engine: See its Wiki page.
- VECTO Airdrag: See its Wiki page.
- VECTO Hashing: Included in the VECTO Simulator project. See its Wiki page.
- ECoGeT 3D shapes. Generic Truck/Trailer 3D shapes for CFD simulations.
In the corresponding project, from the left column, click on Deployments --> Releases (e.g., VECTO Simulator releases).
Furthermore, the latest releases are linked in the main project websites with blue badges, e.g.:
In addition, you can find chronological tables that gather existing releases at the VECTO group Wiki (e.g., table with VECTO Simulator releases).
Issues are bugs, technical questions, implementation discussions, etc. Issues about VECTO can be raised and viewed at the platform, in the corresponding project.
Open an issue
In order to open an issue, you need to have a codeu account.
New issues about VECTO can be created as follow:
- Navigate to the corresponding project (e.g., VECTO Simulator).
- From the left column, click on Issues and then on New issue (on the top-right of the screen).
- Define a descriptive title.
- Provide details about how to reproduce the issue. For this, you may choose a template by clicking on Decription --> Choose a template.
- Click on Create issue at the bottom of the page.
Note that, in some cases, the issue may be sensitive and therefore the box that states:
This issue is confidential and should only be visible to team members with at least Reporter access.
should be marked before creating the issue.
Issues regarding Article 10(2)
In order to open Article 10 issues, you need to have a codeu account.
Issues regarding Article 10(2) can be filed in the same way as explained above. However, there are some particularities:
- When creating the issue, in the field Description --> Choose a template pick Article-10-2-issue.
- Specify the VIN. There should be one issue per vehicle.
- If you want to share related data with the VECTO developers, include it as an attachment to the issue (by clicking on the paperclip
📎 ). - You can optionally encrypt the data*. Afterwards, you can share the encryption password with the JRC-VECTO functional mailbox. Note that these are confidential issues, so only VECTO developers will have access to them. Once the issue is solved, any confidential data attached will be removed and the issue will be made public for documentation purposes.
* To encrypt data you can use the free software 7zip as follows:
- Download and install the corresponding version.
- In the file explorer, select the files (or folder) you want to encrypt.
- Right-click on them and press 7-Zip --> Add to Archive.
- Enter (or generate) an Encryption Password.
- Choose the encryption method (AES-256 by default).
- Press Ok and wait for the compression to be completed.
The procedure of handling Article 10(2) notifications looks as follows:
Codeu accounts
If you want to download VECTO releases and view issues or the codebase, you don't need to create an account.
You only need a codeu account if you want to open an issue or to subscribe to receive notifications.
Create a codeu account
Login is accomplished with ECAS/EULogin. If you already have a ECAS/EULogin account, you can login directly with those credentials.
If you need to create an ECAS/EULogin account:
- Click this link.
- Fill in the fields (name, surname, email, and language).
- Click on Create an account.
Once your account is active, from your codeu profile we encourage you to:
- make your email public (Public email field), in case VECTO developers or other users need to contact you, and/or
- include your organization (Organization field).
Login to codeu
To login at codeu:
- Click the Sign in button on the top-right of the page.
- Alternatively, use this link.
Enable notifications at codeu
In order to receive notifications for new releases & issues, you need to have a codeu account.
After successful login, you can manage notifications as follows:
- Navigate to the corresponding project (e.g., VECTO Simulator).
- Click the bell icon
🔔 on the top-right. - Select Watch (or Custom to choose what actions trigger email notifications):
The codeu platform is based on GitLab, and the VECTO codebase from all the published releases is publicly available. If you want to check the code of a specific project release, navigate to it and click on Assets --> Source code (zip) (or your desired compression format). For example:
Alternatively, you can navigate to the corresponding project and pick the tag from the drop-down menu. Then click on Download or Clone:
Software license
In the codeu platform, all VECTO artifacts are publicly available and without any registration, under the EUPL open-source license.