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Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
Imports Newtonsoft.Json
Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Schema
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Module utils
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Utility to check compatibility when reading files, ie 1.0.1-somePre is compatible with [1.0.0--, 2.0.0--)
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="checkVersion">the version under investigation</param>
    ''' <param name="fromVersion">inclusive</param>
    ''' <param name="toVersion">exclusive</param>
    ''' <returns>true if fromVersion &lt;= checkVersion &lt; toVersion </returns>
    ''' <remarks>
    ''' All version-strings must be, syntactically, valid as Semantic-versions (see
    ''' Note that the earliest pre-release segment is the dash('-'), so 1.0.0-- is the earliest possible version from 1.x release train.
    ''' </remarks>
    Function IsSemanticVersionsSupported(ByVal checkVersion As String, ByVal fromVersion As String, Optional ByVal toVersion As String = Nothing) As Boolean

        Dim cver As New cSemanticVersion(checkVersion)
        Dim fver As New cSemanticVersion(fromVersion)

        If toVersion Is Nothing Then
            Return fver <= cver
            Dim tver As New cSemanticVersion(toVersion)
            Return fver <= cver AndAlso cver < tver
        End If

    End Function

#Region "File paths" ' Functions for the identification from the fileend, -name and for the path identification

    ' Identification from the filename
    Public Function fName(ByVal Pfad As String, ByVal MitEndung As Boolean) As String
        Dim x As Int16

        x = Pfad.LastIndexOf("\") + 1
        Pfad = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(Pfad, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Len(Pfad) - x)

        If Not MitEndung Then
            Dim ext = fEXT(Pfad)

            Pfad = Pfad.Remove(Pfad.Length - ext.Length)
        End If

        Return Pfad
    End Function

    ' Identification from the path
    Public Function fPath(ByVal Pfad As String) As String
        Dim x As Int16

        x = Pfad.LastIndexOf("\")

        If x = -1 Then x = 0

        Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(Pfad, x)
    End Function

    ' Identification from the filenend, including dot('.')
    Public Function fEXT(ByVal Pfad As String) As String
        Dim ext = IO.Path.GetExtension(Pfad)
        If ext.Equals(".json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
            Dim prevExt = IO.Path.GetExtension(Pfad.Remove(Pfad.Length - 5)) ' 5 = ".json".Length
            ext = prevExt & ext
    End Function

    ''' <summary>
    ''' From
    ''' Examples: 
    '''      {"\some", "path\"}            --> "\some\path\"
    '''      {"some", "path\"}             --> "some\path\"
    '''      {"some", "\path"}             --> "some\path"
    '''      {"some", "\path\", "\file.exe"} --> "some\path\file.exe"
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="obj">Any number ob path-segments to be joined regardless if the contain intermediate '\' chars </param>
    ''' <returns>the joind path</returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Function joinPaths(ByVal ParamArray obj() As Object) As String
        Return obj.Aggregate(Function(x, y) IO.Path.Combine(x.ToString(), y.ToString()))
    End Function

    Function StripFinalBackslash(ByVal path As String) As String
        ElseIf (path.EndsWith("\")) Then
            Return path.Remove(path.Length - 1)
    ''' <summary>Add root to the path if it is a relative one</summary>
    ''' <returns>the root if path null/empty</returns>
    Function getRootedPath(ByVal pathToRoot As String, ByVal root As String)
        If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pathToRoot) Then
            Return root
        ElseIf IO.Path.IsPathRooted(pathToRoot) Then
            Return pathToRoot
        End If
        Return joinPaths(root, pathToRoot)
    End Function

    ''' <summary>Check if path has the specified as parent and return it as relative then</summary>
    ''' <returns>the parent if path null/empty/invalid, null if path = parent</returns>
    ''' <exception cref="ArgumentException">if parent not a valid path</exception>
    Function getAnySubPath(ByVal pathToCheck As String, ByVal parent As String)
        If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pathToCheck) Then Return parent

        '' Prepare Absolute-paths for comparison, and 
        ''  scream if parent invalid.
        parent = IO.Path.GetFullPath(StripFinalBackslash(parent))
            pathToCheck = IO.Path.GetFullPath(pathToCheck)
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return parent
        End Try

        If pathToCheck.StartsWith(parent, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
            pathToCheck = pathToCheck.Substring(parent.Length)

            If pathToCheck.StartsWith(IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) Then pathToCheck = pathToCheck.Substring(1)
            If pathToCheck.Length = 0 OrElse pathToCheck = IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar Then
                pathToCheck = Nothing
            End If
        End If

        Return pathToCheck
    End Function

    ' Function for a linear interpolation

#Region "Calculation programms"

    ' Function for a linear interpolation
    Function InterpLinear(ByVal x1 As Double, ByVal x2 As Double, ByVal y1 As Double, ByVal y2 As Double, ByVal wert As Double, Optional ByVal ywert As Boolean = False) As Double
        ' Declaration
        Dim Ergebnis As Double

        ' Calculation from the linear interpolation depend on the given value (x-value or y-value)
        If ywert = False Then
            If (x2 - x1) = 0 Or (y2 - y1) = 0 Then
                Ergebnis = y1
                Ergebnis = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (wert - x1) + y1
            End If
            If (x2 - x1) = 0 Or (y2 - y1) = 0 Then
                Ergebnis = x1
                Ergebnis = (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1) * (wert - y1) + x1
            End If
        End If

        ' Return of the result
        Return Ergebnis
    End Function

    ' Function for a linear interpolation in an array
    Function interpolate(ByVal xy_ref(,) As Double, ByVal x As Double, ByRef y As Double) As Boolean
        ' Declaration
        'Determine the maximum row number of the input XY-Array
        Dim r_max As Integer = xy_ref.GetUpperBound(1)
        'Determine intermediate variables for better readability of the code
        Dim x1 As Double = 0
        Dim x2 As Double = 0
        Dim y1 As Double = 0
        Dim y2 As Double = 0

        'For-loop: Go through the XY array from top to bottom
        For r = 1 To r_max
            'Allocate the intermediate variables to the upper and lower boundaries of the actual intervals of abscissa and ordinate
            x1 = xy_ref(0, r - 1)
            x2 = xy_ref(0, r)
            y1 = xy_ref(1, r - 1)
            y2 = xy_ref(1, r)

            'If the abscissa value of the requested ordinate value is in the actual abscissa interval
            If (x2 >= x And x >= x1) Or (x2 <= x And x <= x1) Then
                'Linear interpolation of the corresponding ordinate value
                y = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1) + y1
            End If
        Next r

        Return True
    End Function
#End Region

    ' Functions for the information depiction on the GUI with the backgroundworker (Info, Warning, Error)
#Region "Logging"
    ''' <summary>Output from Informations\Warnings\Errors on the GUI, even from within the Backgoundworker</summary>
    Sub logme(ByVal logLevel As Integer, ByVal asMsgBox As Boolean, _
                   ByVal text As String, Optional ByVal ex As Exception = Nothing)
        ' Declaration
        Dim tabLabel = "Debug"
        Dim logFileLevel As Integer = 0
        Dim StyleOut = MsgBoxStyle.Information

        ' Identify the output style
        Select Case logLevel
            Case 5 To 7 ' Info
                logFileLevel = 1
            Case 8 ' Warning
                logFileLevel = 2
                StyleOut = MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation
            Case 9 ' Error
                logFileLevel = 3
                StyleOut = MsgBoxStyle.Critical
        End Select

        ' Write to Log-file.
        fWriteLog(2, logFileLevel, text, ex)

        '' Print only filtered msgs in log-window
        If logLevel >= Prefs.logLevel Then
            Dim wintext = AnzeigeMessage(logLevel) & text
            If BWorker IsNot Nothing AndAlso BWorker.IsBusy Then
                '' If in Worker-thread, update GUI through a ProgressChanged event
                Dim WorkerMsg As New cLogMsg(logFileLevel, asMsgBox, wintext, ex, tabLabel)
                BWorker.ReportProgress(0, WorkerMsg)
                updateLogWindow(logFileLevel, wintext, tabLabel, ex)
        '' Output as an messagebox (if requested)
            ' Output in a MsgBox
            If RestartN Then
                ' By changes in the confic use other output
                RestartN = False
                If MsgBox(text, MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, tabLabel) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
                    RestartN = True
                MsgBox(text, StyleOut, tabLabel)
    Private Sub updateLogWindow(ByVal logFileLevel As Integer, ByVal text As String, ByVal tabLabel As String, ByVal ex As Exception)
        ' Established the text wit the symbol from the style
            printEx = (logFileLevel > 1 AndAlso Prefs.logLevel <= 2)
            mtext = format("{0} (Check {1} for details)", text, IIf(printEx, "error/warn tab", "log-file"))
        ' Always write to log-msg tab.
        lbox = F_Main.ListBoxMSG
        F_Main.TabPageMSG.Text = format("Messages({0})", lbox.Items.Count)
        ' Set the Scrollbars in the Listboxes at the end
        lbox.TopIndex = lbox.Items.Count - 1

        ''Write to other Log-windows.
        Dim label As String
        If logFileLevel = 2 Then        ' Warning
            lbox = F_Main.ListBoxWar
            label = "Warnings"
        ElseIf logFileLevel = 3 Then    ' Error
            lbox = F_Main.ListBoxErr
            label = "Errors"
        End If

        If printEx Then
            lbox.Items.Add(format("\i{0}", ex))
        End If

        lbox.TopIndex = lbox.Items.Count - 1
        lbox.Text = format("{0}({1})", label, lbox.Items.Count)
    ' Definition for the Backgroundworker
    Class cLogMsg
        Private LogLevel As Integer
        Private Text As String
        Private Ex As Exception
        Private MsgBoxOut As Boolean = False
        Private TabLabel

        Public Sub New(ByVal logLevel As Integer, ByVal msgBoxOut As Boolean, ByVal text As String, _
                       ByVal ex As Exception, Optional ByVal TabLabel As String = "")
            Me.LogLevel = logLevel
            Me.MsgBoxOut = msgBoxOut
            Me.Text = text
            Me.Ex = ex
        End Sub
        ' Call for the output from Informations\Warnings\Errors with the backgoundworker
        Public Sub forwardLog()
            updateLogWindow(LogLevel, Text, TabLabel, Ex)
        End Sub
    End Class
    Private logDateFrmt As String = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss zzz"
    ''' <summary>Format and write log-mesages to file.</summary>
    ''' <param name="eventType">1: Session started, 2: Add log, 3: Session ended</param>
    Function fWriteLog(ByVal eventType As Integer, Optional ByVal logLevel As Integer = 4, Optional ByVal text As String = "", _
                       Optional ByVal ex As Exception = Nothing) As Boolean

        If Not Prefs.writeLog Then Return True

        Dim LogFilenam As String = joinPaths(MyPath, "log.txt")

        If eventType = 1 Then
            logLevel = 1
            text = "Session started: " & AppName & " " & AppVers

            '' Truncate log-file if size exceeded on session-start.
            Dim fInf As New System.IO.FileInfo(LogFilenam)
            If fInf.Exists AndAlso fInf.Length > Prefs.logSize * Math.Pow(10, 6) Then
                fLoeschZeilen(LogFilenam, System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(LogFilenam).Length / 2)
            End If
        ElseIf eventType = 3 Then
            logLevel = 1
            text = "Session finished: " & AppName & " " & AppVers
        End If

        Dim slevel As String
        Select Case logLevel
            Case 1
                slevel = "INFO"
            Case 2
                slevel = "WARN"
            Case 3
                slevel = "ERROR"
            Case Else
                slevel = "DEBUG"
        End Select

            FileOutLog.OpenWrite(LogFilenam, , True)

            If eventType = 1 Then FileOutLog.WriteLine("---------------")

            If ex Is Nothing Then
                FileOutLog.WriteLine(format("{0}: {1,-5}| {2}", DateAndTime.Now.ToString(logDateFrmt), slevel, text))
                FileOutLog.WriteLine(format("{0}: {1,-5}| {2}\n\i{3}", DateAndTime.Now.ToString(logDateFrmt), slevel, text, ex))
            End If

            If eventType = 3 Then FileOutLog.WriteLine("---------------")
        End Try

        Return True
    End Function

    ' Delete lines from the Log
    Function fLoeschZeilen(ByVal File As String, ByVal Anzahl As Integer, Optional ByVal Zeichen As String = "-") As Boolean
        ' Declarations
        Dim i, k As Integer
        Dim inhalt() = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(File)
        Dim inhalt2() As String

        ' Search till the given string is found
        For i = Anzahl To UBound(inhalt)
            If Trim(inhalt(i)).StartsWith(Zeichen) Then
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i

        ' Redimension from the array
        ReDim inhalt2(UBound(inhalt) - i + 3)

        ' Write the actualize file
        inhalt2(1) = "Cleared Log " & CDate(DateAndTime.Now)
        inhalt2(2) = "-----"

        k = 3
        For j = i To UBound(inhalt)
            inhalt2(k) = inhalt(j)
            k += 1
        Next j

        ' Write the textfile
        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(File, inhalt2)

        Return True

    End Function

#End Region ' Logging

    Function ReadJsonFile(ByVal path As String) As JObject
        Dim jobj As New JObject
        Using sr As New IO.StreamReader(path)
            Using jsr As New JsonTextReader(sr)
                Return JObject.ReadFrom(jsr)
            End Using
        End Using
    End Function

    Function ReadAndValidateJsonFile(ByVal inFname As String, ByVal jschema As JsonSchema, ByVal validationMsgs As IList(Of String)) As JObject
        Using reader As IO.TextReader = IO.File.OpenText(inFname)
            Dim validator As New JsonValidatingReader(New JsonTextReader(reader))

            validator.Schema = jschema
            AddHandler validator.ValidationEventHandler, Sub(o, a) validationMsgs.Add(format("{0}-->{1}", a.Path, a.Message))

            Dim jobj As JObject = JObject.ReadFrom(validator)

            Return jobj
        End Using
    End Function

    Function ReadAndValidateJsonText(ByVal jsonText As String, ByVal jschema As JsonSchema, ByVal validationMsgs As IList(Of String)) As JObject
        Using reader As IO.TextReader = New IO.StringReader(jsonText)
            Dim validator As New JsonValidatingReader(New JsonTextReader(reader))

            validator.Schema = jschema
            AddHandler validator.ValidationEventHandler, Sub(o, a) validationMsgs.Add(format("{0}-->{1}", a.Path, a.Message))

            Dim jobj As JObject = JObject.ReadFrom(validator)

            Return jobj
        End Using
    End Function

    Sub ValidateJson(ByVal json As JObject, ByVal jschema As JsonSchema, ByVal validationMsgs As IList(Of String))
        json.Validate(jschema, Sub(o, a) validationMsgs.Add(format("{0}-->{1}", a.Path, a.Message)))
    End Sub

    Sub WriteJsonFile(ByVal path As String, ByVal content As Object, Optional ByVal formatting As Formatting = Formatting.Indented)
        Dim jser As New JsonSerializer
        jser.Formatting = formatting

        Using writer As New IO.StreamWriter(path)
            jser.Serialize(writer, content)
        End Using
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>Reads an obligatory value from a json-object, or uses the default-value (if supplied).</summary>
    Function jvalue(ByVal jobj As JObject, ByVal item As Object, Optional ByVal defaultValue As Object = Nothing) As Object
        Dim value = jobj(item)

        If (value Is Nothing) Then
            If (defaultValue Is Nothing) Then
                Throw New SystemException(format("Required json-property({0}) is missing!", item))
                value = defaultValue
            End If
        End If

        Return value
    End Function

    ''' <summary>Builds a human-readable help-string from any non-null schema-properties.</summary>
    Function schemaInfos2helpMsg(ByVal schema As JObject) As String
        Dim infos() As JToken = (From pname In { _
                                 "title", "description", "type", "enum", "default", _
                                 "minimum", "exclusiveMinimum", "maximum", "exclusiveMaximum", "units"}
                    Select schema(pname)).ToArray()

        ''TODO: Include other schema-props in hlp-msg.

        Dim titl = infos(0)
        Dim desc = infos(1)
        Dim type = infos(2)
        Dim chce = infos(3)
        Dim dflt = infos(4)
        Dim mini = infos(5)
        Dim miex = infos(6) '' exclusiveMin
        Dim maxi = infos(7)
        Dim maex = infos(8) '' exclusiveMax
        Dim unit = infos(9) '' exclusiveMax

        Dim sdesc As String = ""
        Dim stype As String = ""
        Dim senum As String = ""
        Dim sdflt As String = ""
        Dim slimt As String = ""
        Dim sunit As String = ""

        If desc IsNot Nothing Then
            sdesc = format(desc.ToString())
        ElseIf titl IsNot Nothing Then
            sdesc = format(titl.ToString())
        End If
        If type IsNot Nothing Then stype = type.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None) & ": "
        If chce IsNot Nothing Then senum = format("\n- choices: {0}", chce.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None))
        If dflt IsNot Nothing Then sdflt = format("\n- default: {0}", dflt)
        If mini IsNot Nothing OrElse maxi IsNot Nothing Then
            Dim infinitySymbol = "" + ChrW(&H221E)
            Dim open = "("c
            Dim smin = infinitySymbol
            Dim smax = infinitySymbol
            Dim clos = ")"c

            If mini IsNot Nothing Then
                smin = mini
                If (miex Is Nothing OrElse Not CBool(miex)) Then open = "["c
            End If
            If maxi IsNot Nothing Then
                smax = maxi
                If (maex Is Nothing OrElse Not CBool(maex)) Then clos = "]"c
            End If
            slimt = format("\n- limits : {0}{1}, {2}{3}", _
                           open, smin, smax, clos)
        End If
        If unit IsNot Nothing Then sunit = format("\n-  units : {0}", unit)
        Return String.Join("", stype, sdesc, sunit, senum, sdflt, slimt)
#End Region ' Json

#Region "Strings"

    ''' <summary> Matches '\i' but not '\\i' and captures the sub-strings to the left and right. </summary>
    Private regexp_identOperator As New Regex("(.*?)\\i(.*)", RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.Compiled)

    ''' <summary> Matches any of the new-line markers. </summary>
    Private regexp_newLine As New Regex("\r\n|\n\r|\n|\r", RegexOptions.Compiled)

    '''<summary>Invokes String.Format() translating '\n', '\t' and '\i' for indenting by-2 all subsequent lines</summary>
    ''' <remarks>
    ''' New-lines are visible only in textBoxes - not console and/or imediate-window.
    ''' <h4>EXAMPLE:</h4>
    ''' >>?? format("hello World.\n\iHi\nuser!")
    ''' hello World.
    '''   Hi
    '''   user!
    ''' </remarks>
    Function format(ByVal str As String, ByVal ParamArray obj() As Object) As String
        Dim ident As String = "  "

        ' Mask all '\\' to avoid replacing escaped operators like '\\n' and '\\t'
        str = str.Replace("\\", Chr(1))

        str = str.Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine).Replace("\t", vbTab)
        str = String.Format(str, obj)

        Dim m As Match = regexp_identOperator.Match(str)
        While (m.Success)
            str = m.Groups(1).Value & ident & regexp_newLine.Replace(m.Groups(2).Value, Environment.NewLine & ident)
            m = regexp_identOperator.Match(str)
        End While

        ' Unmask all '\\'
        str = str.Replace(Chr(1), "\"c)

        Return str
    End Function

    Function JoinSingles(ByVal vars As Single())
        Dim svars As Object() = (From a In vars Select CStr(a)).ToArray()

        Return Join(svars, ", ")
    End Function
    Function MyJoinQuoted(ByVal vars As Object())
        Dim svars As String() = (From a In vars Select sa = String.Format("""{0}""", New JValue(a))).ToArray()

        Return Join(svars, ", ")
    End Function
    ''' <param name="infoboxControls">An array with even number of controls, made up of pairs (ctrl, label) where label can be null</param>
    Sub armControlsWithInfoBox(ByVal schema As JObject, ByVal infoboxControls As Control(), ByVal showInfoBox As EventHandler, ByVal hideInfoBox As EventHandler)
        For i = 0 To UBound(infoboxControls) Step 2
            Dim ctrl = infoboxControls(i)
            Dim lbl = infoboxControls(i + 1)

            Dim ctrlName As String = ctrl.Name
            Dim propName = ctrlName.Substring(3)

            Dim helpMsg = updateControlsFromSchema(schema, ctrl, lbl, propName, True, True)
            ctrl.Tag = helpMsg
            AddHandler ctrl.MouseEnter, showInfoBox
            AddHandler ctrl.MouseLeave, hideInfoBox

            If lbl IsNot Nothing Then
                lbl.Tag = helpMsg
                AddHandler lbl.MouseEnter, showInfoBox
                AddHandler lbl.MouseLeave, hideInfoBox
            End If

    End Sub

    Function updateControlsFromSchema(ByVal schema As JObject, ByVal ctrl As Control, ByVal label As Control, _
                                 Optional ByVal propName As String = Nothing, Optional ByVal skipToolTip As Boolean = False, _
                                 Optional ByVal usePropNameAsTitle As Boolean = False) As String
        Dim msg As String = Nothing
            If propName Is Nothing Then propName = ctrl.Name

            Dim pschema = schema.SelectToken(".properties." & propName)
                logme(8, False, format("Schema2GUI: Could not find schema for Control({0})!", propName))
                Return msg
            End If

            '' Set title on control/label
            Dim title = pschema("title")
            If title Is Nothing AndAlso usePropNameAsTitle Then title = propName

            If title IsNot Nothing Then
                If label IsNot Nothing Then
                    label.Text = title
                    If TypeOf ctrl Is CheckBox Then
                        ctrl.Text = title.ToString() & "?"
            msg = schemaInfos2helpMsg(pschema)
            If msg IsNot Nothing Then
                If Not skipToolTip Then

                    Dim t = New ToolTip()
                    t.SetToolTip(ctrl, msg)
                    t.AutomaticDelay = 300
                    t.AutoPopDelay = 10000
                End If

            logme(8, False, format("Schema2GUI: Skipped exception: {0} ", ex.Message), ex)