... | ... | @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ This applies to all VECTO tools (VECTO, VECTO Multistep, VECTO Trailer, VECTO En |
# 4. How VECTO has been developed?
VECTO and the respective certification methodology were developed under a series of
contracts launched by DG CLIMA. A summary of the main ones can be found [here](https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/vehicles/heavy_en#tab-0-2). The
Commission’s JRC acts as scientific co-ordinator of the VECTO development and has
Commission’s JRC acts as scientific coordinator of the VECTO development and has
performed a series of independent validations, the main results of which can be found [here](http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC91415).
Several stakeholders have contributed significantly in the development process by providing
data, feedback, insight and by validating extensively VECTO and its sub-routines; those
... | ... | @@ -47,10 +47,114 @@ stakeholders. In addition, a series of non-industrial organizations have support |
development with feedback and validation exercises including European member states,
research bodies and other organizations.
# 5. Can I run VECTO Simulator in batch mode/from the command line?
# 5. How I can get started with VECTO tool?
All the VECTO platform components contain demo files in order to start a simulation and see how the software
operates. In addition, the software packages include user manuals that will help you understand the
workflow for a successful VECTO simulation.
<!-- This Wiki and DG CLIMA webpage includes additional support material comprising demo videos for
each software tool and a comprehensive set of slides on each topic related to VECTO. -->
# 6. What programming language is used, what operating system is necessary to run VECTO?
The VECTO components are written in C# and delivered as executable files. The
tools are portable applications, i.e., it is not necessary to run a setup procedure for
installation. The executable file can be run from any place on a computer or in a network
(Windows environment only).
# 7. What is the licensing scheme of VECTO?
VECTO is an open source software. All components of the VECTO platform are licensed
under the EUPL v1.2.
# 8. Can we use VECTO platform components for commercial purposes and real tests with our
The VECTO tool is free to be used by anyone. Commercial companies or other organizations
are free to use VECTO in their projects, including for commercial use. However, according to
the EUPL, if VECTO (or parts of it) are embedded into a commercial application, this
application has to be open-sourced as well and the application’s sources have to be
provided together with the executable file.
# 9. Makros & ActiveX, which are necessary to run the program, excel somehow crashes
You have to check the version of Microsoft Office. This has been reported Microsoft Excel
2007. Updating to a newer version (2010), solved the problem.
# 10. What are the main inputs for running a VECTO simulation?
The main vehicle characteristics in order to run a VECTO simulation are:
1. Vehicle category (rigid truck, tractor);
2. Axles configuration (i.e. 4x2, 4x4, 6x2 etc.);
3. Gross vehicle mass rating (w/o trailer) [kg];
4. Vehicle curb mass [kg];
5. C d x A [m²];
6. Tyre characteristics (rolling resistance coefficient [-], wheel dimensions etc.);
7. Engine characteristics (full load curve, drag curve, fuel map, displacement etc.);
8. Gearbox & Final Drive characteristics; and
9. Auxiliary specifications (selection from a list of technologies).
# 11. What input data is needed to run the VECTO Engine tool?
VECTO Engine needs 4 separate input files (determined according to the current version of
the technical annex):
1. Fuel consumption map of CO<sub>2</sub> -parent engine;
2. Full-load curve of CO<sub>2</sub> -parent engine;
3. Full-load curve of engine to be certified;
4. Motoring curve of CO<sub>2</sub> -parent engine.
# 12. What inputs are needed to run the VECTO Airdrag tool?
Here is an overview of the input files:
1. **Vehicle**: contains relevant information on the tested vehicle configuration (e.g.
vehicle test mass, anemometer height).
2. **Ambient conditions**: contains ambient conditions as measured by the stationary
weather station.
3. **Configuration file for measurement sections**: contains the configuration of the
measurement sections (coordinates, driving directions etc.) on the test track. The
measurement sections can be configured for the calibration run and the
measurement runs separately.
4. **Measurement data**: contains the measurement data recorded at the vehicle
consolidated in 100 Hz.
5. **Altitude profile** (optional): contains the altitude profile on the measurement
sections. This data is used for the correction of traction force for gradient influence
in the evaluation if the related feature is activated in the VECTO AirDrag GUI.
6. **Job**: contains all information for a test evaluation (evaluation settings, paths to input
data). The job file is automatically created if VECTO-AirDrag is operated via the user
interface but can also be generated or edited e.g. by means of a text editor. After a
successful calculation VECTO-AirDrag also writes the main evaluation results into the
7. **Criteria** (optional): can be used to save or import a set of evaluation parameters (e.g.
validity criteria or settings for correction functions). For reasons of traceability for
each calculation the used parameters are in any case also stored in the Job-file.
# 13. How I can get access to the code?
The codebase from all the published VECTO releases is publicly available at the code.europa.eu platform. See the [Wiki](how-to-codeu#codebase) for more information.
The code of VECTO is placed in CITnet Bitbucket. For now, we provide access only after
requesting it, and only in one member per company/Authority, since CITnet has limited
capacity. In the future, the VECTO project will be transferred in another development
platform where there will be more capabilities and more rights for the users. The idea is to
make VECTO code available for all the users. Until then, you can contact the Administrators
in the VECTO FMB (JRC-VECTO@ec.europa.eu), and they will grant you access to the source
# 14. What is the difference between declaration mode and engineering mode?
The declaration mode is the official simulation mode for declaring CO<sub>2</sub> emissions of a vehicle.
In declaration mode, several model parameters such as the payload, gearshift parameters,
simulated mission profiles, etc. are generic. Moreover, in declaration mode the loss-maps
and fuel-consumption maps as provided in the input data are not extrapolated. In the
engineering mode, VECTO can be operated like any other vehicle simulation tool. All
simulation parameters can be set and/or edited by the user.
# 15. Can I run VECTO Simulator in batch mode/from the command line?
This can be accomplished by using the command line version of VECTO: `vectocmd.exe`. This executable file comes with the normal VECTO package. Check the corresponding section of the manual:
- Navigate to the _User manual_ folder, the file is named `help.html`.
- Open it with a browser and then look for the section _Command Line Arguments_.
# 6. How to cite VECTO? |
# 16. How to cite VECTO? |