... | ... | @@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) |
# 1. What is the VECTO software and VECTO software platform?
# General
## 1. What is the VECTO software and VECTO software platform?
The Vehicle Energy Consumption calculation TOol (VECTO) is a software developed by the
European Commission for determining CO<sub>2</sub> emissions and fuel consumption from the whole
... | ... | @@ -19,7 +22,7 @@ other software tools developed for the needs of the HDV certification procedure. |
include VECTO Engine, VECTO AirDrag, and VECTO Hashing tools, which are used at
various points during the certification process.
# 2. What is the relation between VECTO and official CO<sub>2</sub> certification methodology for HDVs?
## 2. What is the relation between VECTO and official CO<sub>2</sub> certification methodology for HDVs?
VECTO is a key component of the European Heavy Duty Vehicle CO<sub>2</sub> and fuel consumption
certification methodology. The CO<sub>2</sub> certification methodology is based on the measurement
... | ... | @@ -29,16 +32,14 @@ power demand of auxiliaries, tyre-rolling resistance, etc.). The results of thes |
are then used as input in VECTO in order to simulate vehicle operation over different driving
conditions. A series of official driving cycles have been developed for the purpose.
# 3. Do I need a license file to run VECTO?
No. A license used to be required in the past, but this practice is no longer applicable.
This applies to all VECTO tools (VECTO, VECTO Multistep, VECTO Trailer, VECTO Engine, VECTO Airdrag, and VECTO Hashing).
## 3. How has VECTO been developed?
# 4. How VECTO has been developed?
VECTO and the respective certification methodology were developed under a series of
contracts launched by DG CLIMA. A summary of the main ones can be found [here](https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/vehicles/heavy_en#tab-0-2). The
Commission’s JRC acts as scientific coordinator of the VECTO development and has
performed a series of independent validations, the main results of which can be found [here](http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC91415).
contracts launched by DG CLIMA. A summary of the main ones can be found
The Commission’s JRC acts as scientific coordinator of the VECTO development and has
performed a series of independent validations, the main results of which can be found
Several stakeholders have contributed significantly in the development process by providing
data, feedback, insight and by validating extensively VECTO and its sub-routines; those
include heavy duty vehicle manufacturers, transmission manufacturers, tyre manufacturers,
... | ... | @@ -47,40 +48,21 @@ stakeholders. In addition, a series of non-industrial organizations have support |
development with feedback and validation exercises including European member states,
research bodies and other organizations.
# 5. How I can get started with VECTO tool?
# Simulation
## 1. How can I get started with the VECTO tool?
All the VECTO platform components contain demo files in order to start a simulation and see how the software
operates. In addition, the software packages include user manuals that will help you understand the
workflow for a successful VECTO simulation.
The [Wiki](home) page at the code.europa.eu platform also provides useful information.
<!-- This Wiki and DG CLIMA webpage includes additional support material comprising demo videos for
each software tool and a comprehensive set of slides on each topic related to VECTO. -->
# 6. What programming language is used, what operating system is necessary to run VECTO?
The VECTO components are written in C# and delivered as executable files. The
tools are portable applications, i.e., it is not necessary to run a setup procedure for
installation. The executable file can be run from any place on a computer or in a network
(Windows environment only).
# 7. What is the licensing scheme of VECTO?
VECTO is an open source software. All components of the VECTO platform are licensed
under the EUPL v1.2.
# 8. Can we use VECTO platform components for commercial purposes and real tests with our customers?
The VECTO tool is free to be used by anyone. Commercial companies or other organizations
are free to use VECTO in their projects, including for commercial use. However, according to
the EUPL, if VECTO (or parts of it) are embedded into a commercial application, this
application has to be open-sourced as well and the application’s sources have to be
provided together with the executable file.
# 9. Makros & ActiveX, which are necessary to run the program, excel somehow crashes immediately
You have to check the version of Microsoft Office. This has been reported Microsoft Excel
2007. Updating to a newer version (2010), solved the problem.
# 10. What are the main inputs for running a VECTO simulation?
## 2. What are the main inputs for running a VECTO simulation?
The main vehicle characteristics in order to run a VECTO simulation are:
1. Vehicle category (rigid truck, tractor);
... | ... | @@ -93,7 +75,7 @@ The main vehicle characteristics in order to run a VECTO simulation are: |
8. Gearbox & Final Drive characteristics; and
9. Auxiliary specifications (selection from a list of technologies).
# 11. What input data is needed to run the VECTO Engine tool?
## 3. What input data is needed to run the VECTO Engine tool?
VECTO Engine needs 4 separate input files (determined according to the current version of
the technical annex):
... | ... | @@ -102,7 +84,7 @@ the technical annex): |
3. Full-load curve of engine to be certified;
4. Motoring curve of CO<sub>2</sub> -parent engine.
# 12. What inputs are needed to run the VECTO Airdrag tool?
## 4. What inputs are needed to run the VECTO Airdrag tool?
Here is an overview of the input files:
1. **Vehicle**: contains relevant information on the tested vehicle configuration (e.g.
... | ... | @@ -127,20 +109,7 @@ job-file. |
validity criteria or settings for correction functions). For reasons of traceability for
each calculation the used parameters are in any case also stored in the Job-file.
# 13. How I can get access to the code?
The codebase from all the published VECTO releases is publicly available at the code.europa.eu platform. See the [Wiki](how-to-codeu#codebase) for more information.
The code of VECTO is placed in CITnet Bitbucket. For now, we provide access only after
requesting it, and only in one member per company/Authority, since CITnet has limited
capacity. In the future, the VECTO project will be transferred in another development
platform where there will be more capabilities and more rights for the users. The idea is to
make VECTO code available for all the users. Until then, you can contact the Administrators
in the VECTO FMB (JRC-VECTO@ec.europa.eu), and they will grant you access to the source
# 14. What is the difference between declaration mode and engineering mode?
## 5. What is the difference between declaration mode and engineering mode?
The declaration mode is the official simulation mode for declaring CO<sub>2</sub> emissions of a vehicle.
In declaration mode, several model parameters such as the payload, gearshift parameters,
... | ... | @@ -149,7 +118,7 @@ and fuel-consumption maps as provided in the input data are not extrapolated. In |
engineering mode, VECTO can be operated like any other vehicle simulation tool. All
simulation parameters can be set and/or edited by the user.
# 15. Which vehicles are currently supported in declaration mode?
## 6. Which vehicles are currently supported in declaration mode?
Currently only rigid trucks and tractors are supported in declaration mode. According to the
upcoming Commission Regulation on the determination of CO<sub>2</sub> emissions and fuel
... | ... | @@ -158,7 +127,7 @@ gross vehicle mass rated, axle configuration, and vehicle type (tractor, rigid t |
vehicle groups actually are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 16. All-wheel drive vehicles (4x4,
6x6, and 8x8) are excluded from CO<sub>2</sub> declaration at the moment.
# 16. Why are vehicles simulated on different cycles? What are the criteria for selecting the cycles?
## 7. Why are vehicles simulated on different cycles? What are the criteria for selecting the cycles?
Depending on the vehicle group, a vehicle is typically used for certain purposes and the
cycles (“mission profiles”) also represent different usage profiles. Thus, the vehicle group
... | ... | @@ -169,7 +138,7 @@ vehicle configurations (European Modular System, gross combination mass of 60.00 |
a maximum length of 25.25 m) if the engine power is sufficient. In this case the long-haul
and the regional delivery mission are simulated with an additional trailer.
# 17. What is the vehicle's total mass for the simulation?
## 8. What is the vehicle's total mass for the simulation?
The vehicle's total mass for the simulation is the sum of 'corrected actual curb mass', 'body
mass', mass of the trailer(s), and 'payload'. In the VECTO declaration mode all of those
... | ... | @@ -178,19 +147,12 @@ group). The definition of 'corrected actual curb mass' is specified in Annex III |
upcoming Commission Regulation on the determination of CO<sub>2</sub> emissions and fuel
consumption of HDVs.
# 18. Why is the fuel consumption for group 2 vehicles on the long-haul cycle significantly higher than on the other cycles?
## 9. Why is the fuel consumption for group 2 vehicles on the long-haul cycle significantly higher than on the other cycles?
Group 2 vehicles are simulated on the long-haul driving cycle with an additional trailer which
increases the fuel consumption significantly.
# 19. What is the meaning of the VECTO messages “FC-Map too small” or “Loss-map too small”?
In declaration mode, VECTO does not extrapolate the fuel consumption map, transmission or
axle loss map as provided in the input data. If an error occurs, indicating that a loss-map is
too small, either the component data does not contain the full map, or the gearbox/axle
gear does not match the engine's maximum torque (positive torque range) and engines'
drag torque (negative torque range).
# 20. Why are the cycles defined as target speed over distance instead of actual speed over time?
## 10. Why are the cycles defined as target speed over distance instead of actual speed over time?
Driving behaviour of HDV to a very large extend is determined by the power to mass ratio of
the vehicle. This parameter varies significantly between different vehicles and is additionally
... | ... | @@ -202,31 +164,7 @@ underlying definitions for maximum desired acceleration, vehicle coasting and de |
during braking events. This approach provides a good representation of typical driving
behaviour for all HDV types in all loading conditions.
# 21. The component tools (VECTO Engine and VECTO Air Drag) produce an XML file that cannot be used in the VECTO Graphical User Interface (GUI). Why?
The VECTO process as foreseen in the official certification for HDV is based on handling and
compiling of data in XML structure. This process is actually not supported via the VECTO GUI.
For a VECTO simulation in using the XML files from VECTO Engine, VECTO Air Drag a job file
needs to be compiled that contains data on all vehicle components. For this purpose the
`Engine`, or `Airdrag` XML block need to be copied to the correct position in the job file
describing the complete vehicle. This XML file than can be loaded to the VECTO GUI job list
and the simulation can be started.
# 22. Why is the fuel consumption simulated in version `x` different from version `y`?
Although VECTO is already quite mature, it is still under development. Models may be
refined, strategies may be adjusted, etc. Some of those changes have no (or a negligible)
impact on the fuel consumption, other changes might have more effect. In any case the
changes are typically due to a more accurate simulation. Other cases are that certain generic
values are adapted in a new version. Details can be found in the VECTO changelog.
# 23. The values computed in the `.vmod` file do not accumulate to the results in the `.vsum` file.
VECTO uses variable time steps in the simulation. In order to calculate the accumulated
results for the total cycle the instantaneous data for the single time steps need to be
weighted with the simulation interval `dt`.
# 24. What is the impact of the vehicle's 'Gross Vehicle Mass Rated'?
## 11. What is the impact of the vehicle's 'Gross Vehicle Mass Rated'?
In the declaration mode the vehicle's 'gross vehicle mass rated' is used for selecting the
according vehicle group to allocate the generic model parameters. The 'gross vehicle mass
... | ... | @@ -236,7 +174,7 @@ rated' model parameter is only the GVMR of the tractor, without the trailer. VEC |
GVMR of the trailer internally (and limits the total GVMR to 40t or 60t for EMS
# 25. Why is it required to specify the engine idling speed in the vehicle configuration?
## 12. Why is it required to specify the engine idling speed in the vehicle configuration?
According to Annex V of the upcoming Commission Regulation on the determination of CO<sub>2</sub>
emissions and fuel consumption of HDVs an engine is certified with the lowest possible idling
... | ... | @@ -247,7 +185,7 @@ measures. Therefore, the engine idling speed has to be specified additionally in |
input data. This value must not be lower than the idling speed in the engine component
(otherwise this input is ignored).
# 26. How are the shift polygons computed in declaration mode? What happens if no shift polygons are specified in engineering mode?
## 13. How are the shift polygons computed in declaration mode? What happens if no shift polygons are specified in engineering mode?
The shift polygons depend on the gear ratios, the wheel dimension, the axle ratio, and the
engine full-load curve. Based on all those parameters the shift polygons are computed based
... | ... | @@ -256,7 +194,7 @@ Currently an update of the AMT and AT gear shift models is under elaboration whi |
based on more complex decision criteria (gear selection mainly driven by optimisation of
overall powertrain efficiency).
# 27. We tried to reproduce the cross-wind correction in declaration mode. How is the Cd scaling factor computed?
## 14. We tried to reproduce the cross-wind correction in declaration mode. How is the Cd scaling factor computed?
In declaration mode, an ambient wind of 3m/s in 4m height blowing from uniformly
distributed from all directions is assumed. The dependency of C d xA on the yaw angle is
... | ... | @@ -266,34 +204,21 @@ calculated considering boundary layer effects of the ambient wind speed. The use |
contains the detailed equations and provides an Excel spreadsheet to calculate the C d xA
scaling factor as applied in the declaration mode.
# 28. The airdrag losses in the `.vmod` file do not match the manually re-computed values using the average velocity for a certain time step.
A basic definition in VECTO is that the acceleration is constant within a simulation time step.
Consequently, forces and torques from vehicle inertia are constant and vehicle speed and
rotational speeds evolve linear within a certain simulation interval. The air drag resistance,
however, depends on the vehicle's velocity squared and hence does not evolve linear within
a time step. To consider this influence correctly, for each time step VECTO computes a
power-equivalent average airdrag resistance force. For a single simulation step, VECTO
analytically computes the energy losses due airdrag and then computes a constant airdrag
resistance force that results in the same energy losses. This air resistance force does not
match with the value re-computed values using the average velocity for a certain time step if
the vehicle speed is not constant.
# 29. What are the properties of the trailer used for the simulation (wheels dimension, rolling resistance, wheels inertia, mass, volume, …)?
## 15. What are the properties of the trailer used for the simulation (wheels dimension, rolling resistance, wheels inertia, mass, volume, …)?
Depending on the vehicle group either a T1, T2 or ST1 trailer is used in the simulation. The
simulation parameters can be found in the file “Body_Trailer_Weights.csv” in the
Declaration folder. The rolling resistance is 5.5 N/kN with an FzISO of 37.5kN for all tires at
all trailers.
# 30. How is the total rolling resistance coefficient computed?
## 16. How is the total rolling resistance coefficient (RRC) computed?
The total rolling resistance is the sum of the rolling resistance for every axle (truck and
trailer), whereas the tyre's rolling resistance coefficient is scaled according to the actual tyre
load. The actual tyre load is the total vehicle mass multiplied by the relative axle load share
(generic value) and divided by the number of wheels on the axle.
# 31. Does VECTO support any advanced driver assistant systems?
## 17. Does VECTO support any advanced driver assistant systems?
From the early 2019 version on VECTO will include generic CO<sub>2</sub> reduction rates for the ADAS
... | ... | @@ -303,17 +228,143 @@ systems: |
- Predictive cruise control (PCC)
in all its reasonable combinations.
# 32. How to handle aftersales changes in engine mapping which, for example, are performed for customer specific optimisation of fuel consumption?
# Troubleshooting
# 1. VECTO won't the simulation start after downloading and unzipping it.
This is a common error when using the Windows extract tool.
To solve it, mark all files as _trusted_ or use the [7zip](https://7-zip.org/) free software to extract VECTO.
## 2. What is the meaning of the VECTO messages “FC-Map too small” or “Loss-map too small”?
In declaration mode, VECTO does not extrapolate the fuel consumption map, transmission or
axle loss map as provided in the input data. If an error occurs, indicating that a loss-map is
too small, either the component data does not contain the full map, or the gearbox/axle
gear does not match the engine's maximum torque (positive torque range) and engines'
drag torque (negative torque range).
## 3. The component tools (VECTO Engine and VECTO Air Drag) produce an XML file that cannot be used in the VECTO Graphical User Interface (GUI). Why?
The VECTO process as foreseen in the official certification for HDV is based on handling and
compiling of data in XML structure. This process is actually not supported via the VECTO GUI.
For a VECTO simulation in using the XML files from VECTO Engine, VECTO Air Drag a job file
needs to be compiled that contains data on all vehicle components. For this purpose the
`Engine`, or `Airdrag` XML block need to be copied to the correct position in the job file
describing the complete vehicle. This XML file than can be loaded to the VECTO GUI job list
and the simulation can be started.
## 4. Why is the fuel consumption simulated in version `x` different from version `y`?
Although VECTO is already quite mature, it is still under development. Models may be
refined, strategies may be adjusted, etc. Some of those changes have no (or a negligible)
impact on the fuel consumption, other changes might have more effect. In any case the
changes are typically due to a more accurate simulation. Other cases are that certain generic
values are adapted in a new version. Details can be found in the VECTO release changelog.
## 5. The values computed in the `.vmod` file do not accumulate to the results in the `.vsum` file.
VECTO uses variable time steps in the simulation. In order to calculate the accumulated
results for the total cycle the instantaneous data for the single time steps need to be
weighted with the simulation interval `dt`.
## 6. The airdrag losses in the `.vmod` file do not match the manually re-computed values using the average velocity for a certain time step.
A basic definition in VECTO is that the acceleration is constant within a simulation time step.
Consequently, forces and torques from vehicle inertia are constant and vehicle speed and
rotational speeds evolve linear within a certain simulation interval. The air drag resistance,
however, depends on the vehicle's velocity squared and hence does not evolve linear within
a time step. To consider this influence correctly, for each time step VECTO computes a
power-equivalent average airdrag resistance force. For a single simulation step, VECTO
analytically computes the energy losses due airdrag and then computes a constant airdrag
resistance force that results in the same energy losses. This air resistance force does not
match with the value re-computed values using the average velocity for a certain time step if
the vehicle speed is not constant.
## 7. Makros & ActiveX, which are necessary to run the program, excel somehow crashes immediately.
You have to check the version of Microsoft Office. This has been reported Microsoft Excel
2007. Updating to a newer version (2010), solved the problem.
# Licesing
## 1. Do I need a license file to run VECTO?
No. A license used to be required in the past, but this practice is no longer applicable.
This applies to all VECTO tools (VECTO, VECTO Multistep, VECTO Trailer, VECTO Engine, VECTO Airdrag, and VECTO Hashing).
## 2. What is the software license of VECTO?
VECTO is an open source software. All components of the VECTO platform are licensed
under the [EUPL v1.2](https://ec.europa.eu/info/european-union-public-licence_en).
## 3. Can we use VECTO platform components for commercial purposes and real tests with our customers?
The VECTO tool is free to be used by anyone. Commercial companies or other organizations
are free to use VECTO in their projects, including for commercial use. However, according to
the EUPL, if VECTO (or parts of it) are embedded into a commercial application, this
application has to be open-sourced as well and the application’s sources have to be
provided together with the executable file.
# IT
## 1. What programming language is used to build VECTO?
The VECTO components are written in C## and delivered as executable files.
# 2. What operating system is necessary to run VECTO?
The VECTO tools are portable applications, i.e., it is not necessary to run a setup procedure for
installation. The executable file can be run from any place on a computer or in a network
(Windows environment only).
## 3. How can I get access to the code?
The codebase from all the published VECTO releases is publicly available at the code.europa.eu platform.
See the [Wiki](how-to-codeu##codebase) for more information.
The code of VECTO is placed in CITnet Bitbucket. For now, we provide access only after
requesting it, and only in one member per company/Authority, since CITnet has limited
capacity. In the future, the VECTO project will be transferred in another development
platform where there will be more capabilities and more rights for the users. The idea is to
make VECTO code available for all the users. Until then, you can contact the Administrators
in the VECTO FMB (JRC-VECTO@ec.europa.eu), and they will grant you access to the source
## 4. Can I run VECTO Simulator in batch mode/from the command line?
This can be accomplished by using the command line version of VECTO: `vectocmd.exe`.
This executable file comes with the normal VECTO package. Check the corresponding section of the manual:
- Navigate to the _User manual_ folder, the file is named `help.html`.
- Open it with a browser and then look for the section _Command Line Arguments_.
# Legislation
## 1. How to handle aftersales changes in engine mapping which, for example, are performed for customer specific optimisation of fuel consumption?
The “engine system” as defined in the family concept of Annex V of Regulation (EU)
2017/2400 includes the engine control system. Hence, any changes not in agreement with
the approval authority are illegal. In general, a new engine certification is needed in such
# 33. Can I run VECTO Simulator in batch mode/from the command line?
This can be accomplished by using the command line version of VECTO: `vectocmd.exe`. This executable file comes with the normal VECTO package. Check the corresponding section of the manual:
- Navigate to the _User manual_ folder, the file is named `help.html`.
- Open it with a browser and then look for the section _Command Line Arguments_.
# Misc
## 1. How to cite VECTO?
# 34. How to cite VECTO? |